Chapter 11

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*Ethan's P.O.V.*

"Ethan." She held my wrist making me turn to face her, trying to block me.

I looked at her with anger in my eyes. God I'm so mad right now. Why did this happen? I thought she liked me. The worst thing is that Grayson did this to me. I knew he liked her too but I didn't think he could have done this. Why? It feels like I'm being truly backstabbed. Her eyes were full of tears as she was looking at me. I seriously can't stand this right now. I have to leave.

I managed to free my wrist from her grip and continued to walk through the hallway.


I heard her saying my name. I continued walking. I don't wanna see anyone now. I wanna be left alone.

I was about to turn the corner when I heard a loud noise. I turned around. She was laying on the ground. Unconscious.

"Oh my God Belle!!"

I ran to her. Please tell me she's okay. There was blood on her forehead. Oh God.

"Please someone help me!!" I yelled and the nurses came soon as Dr. Johnson.

I watched as she kneeled down pushing me away gently. I was seriously in shook. I could barely move, breathe.

"Why are you two out of your room? How did she fall?" She started asking but I felt like I wasn't able to speak.

I tried to say something but words kept dying inside my throat.

Dr. Johnson and the nurse cautiously turned her around and she started to check on her. With a torch she examined her pupils.

"Any response. Her pupils are fixed. Sookie please book a CT now."

Another nurse approached her with a gurney to move her onto a bed.

They started to transport her through the hallway and then they turned the corner.

I was standing there with my hands in my hair not knowing what to do, not knowing if she will come back to me.

This is all my fault, I should have never left the room, I should have never treated her that way. Yes, even though she did what she did, she still told me the truth. She didn't deserve that. I feel like shit. I just want her to come back to me. To hug her again. To see her again.

*Dr. Johnson's P.O.V.*

As we walked into the room I laid her body in the CT and went behind the window to check the monitors.

The results arrived after a few. She had a spill of liquid in her cranium.

"Sookie please go call Dr. Shepherd and tell him that I have a patient that needs a urgent operation now."

"Immediately Dr. Johnson."

She sprinted out of the room and after a few minutes Shepherd finally arrived.

"What do we got here?" He asked.

"Belle Evans, 18 years old. She had a head trauma with consequent spilling, probably due to a bad fall. I'm gonna assist you."

"I really don't need an assistant."

"I'm gonna do it anyway, she's my patient."


We transferred her to the operating room and started to get ready.

*a few hours later*

*Back to Ethan's P.O.V.*

I'm still here in the hallway waiting for response. It's been three hours already.

After a while finally Dr. Johnson came back but she stopped at the reception. Belle's mom is there. I read their lips because I'm too far to eavesdrop.

She mouthed a 'thank you', and then a 'you saved her'. Oh God she's okay. I finally started to calm down a bit. They hugged and then Dr. Johnson came closer to me.

"You never answered my questions. Why were you two here, and how did it happen? And plus why are you still not in your room?"

"I'm sorry, we had an argument and I was furious. I wasn't thinking. And about how it happened, she fell. She was following me. Maybe she started running out of breath or something like that. I should have never left that room. I acted so dumb."

"You can say it twice."

"How is she?"

"She's in a coma now. But it's completely normal." She said as soon as she saw the worried look on my face.

"How is it normal?"

"She hit her head really hard. She had a spilling and we had to remove the liquid. So she may stay in a coma for a few hours, maybe days. But if everything went good she will wake up soon."

I started massaging my temples and I passed my fingers through my hair.

"Thank you for saving her."

"It wasn't my merit. Dr. Shepherd made an amazing work."

"Well thank you anyway, for everything."

She cracked a smile and turned around.

"Go back to your room." She quickly said before turning the corner.

I did as she said even thought I didn't want to.

After a few minutes two nurses take Belle into the room. Her head was all full of bandages but she still managed to look beautiful as always.

I'm so sorry Belle.

As soon as the nurses went away I came closer to her bed and sat on the chair. I reached out for her hand and starting holding it and caressing it.

I'm so sorry.


A.N.: Well yeah a head trauma... I feel so bad for writing this tho.

Poor Ethan. He's feeling guilty.

Dr. Johnson and Shepherd managed to save her life.

Do you think she will be okay now? That she will wake up? Or not?

Keep reading to find out (:

I love you (:

Have a nice day ❤️

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