Chapter 13

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A.N.: I'm back with another chapter. So things got really really bad in the last chapters but now everything seems to be fine again. Finally haha


*Still Belle's P.O.V.*

A few days have passed by and I was finally okay. Well not that okay but I didn't have had any other epilepsy attacks. Thank God because it would have probably made things way worse.

So I was slowly healing from the head trauma.

I still felt a bit dizzy and tired though but I'm finally feeling better now.

My back hurt because I laid on my bed for days, skipping chemo too because I had to recover first.

I spent most of the time alone in my bed sleeping and when I was awake Ethan was being distant. Just as something had been broken between both of us.

My mom came to see me before going to work. She brought me some things from home. My two favorite books too. Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. Well at least I'd be fully immersed with Kat and Heath and Jane and Mr. Rochester.

I'm so tired of all this, of being here. I just wish I could go home and live a normal life.

After a few Dr. Johnson came into the room to check on me as usual and she then waited for me to do chemo. I really had lost way too many days.

*Ethan's P.O.V.*

I watched as she and her mom left the room. We didn't talk that much and it's all because of me of course. I'm still feeling guilty for what happened. She fell because of me, she was running towards me. I feel so bad, it's like I'm the one who hurt her. And I'm so afraid of it, I'm afraid to lose her somehow and not being able to do anything about it. I feel useless.

Yeah things are finally getting better though because she's feeling better, but us, we aren't the same as we used to. I wish I could just turn back time and never go out of this damn room.

As she returned she sat on her bed and waved her mom goodbye and then turned to face me.

I looked down. I can't stand this. I don't wanna hurt her.

"Ethan look at me"

"Ethan!" She said after a while as she saw I didn't face her.

I looked at her.

"Stop acting like this..." She said. "You don't have to blame yourself for what happened. It just did, it's not because of you."

She was calm while saying this, her eyes weren't sweaty.

"I hurt you. And I don't want it to happen again."

"You didn't. I fell, you aren't the one who pushed me Ethan. You didn't hurt me. You never did."

I was about to reply but our friends came into the room causing me to shut up.

*Back to Belle's P.O.V.*

"Hey guys!!" They all said in chorus.

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