Chapter 18

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A.N.: sorry for the late update. I had a lot going on with school.
Thanks for reading (: ❤️


*a few days later*

Time has passed by so slowly recently. Now I understand what Ethan was going through. All this waiting is seriously stressing me out.

The days were becoming monotone, Dr. Johnson checking on me, saying that there weren't any news, my mum coming every morning, Ethan and my friends doing the same, eating, sleeping. Every day the same routine.

*a month later*

I woke up with the sound of a heart beat beneath my ear.

Ethan spent the night here, as he does every Saturday since there are no classes on Sunday. Even though he's not a patient here anymore, Dr. Johnson gave us the permission to spend the time together even after the visiting time.

I stretched myself, trying to not wake him up and took the phone to check the time.

07 am

Dr. Johnson will be here any second.

I'm not even able to finish thinking about it that she came into the room.

"Good morning Belle." She said as she started to check on me and changing the IV.

"Good morning."

"I have some great news."

She was about to continue when Ethan groaned as he woke up.

"Hey sleepyhead." I said smiling at him.

I gave him a kiss. "Hey!" He smiled back rubbing his eyes.

I focused my attention back to the doctor as she continued talking.

"So as I was saying." She smiled. "A possible donor arrived today, her lungs are in quite a good condition, we just have to do some tests to see if you're compatible and if so we will call the UNOS to have the approval for starting the Ex Vivo procedure."

"Oh my God. Well then what are we waiting for? Do all the tests you need, I can't wait any longer." I said excited.

You could clearly hear the positivity in the tone of my voice, I was seriously so happy right now. Yeah I know I haven't been waiting here for years as other patients might have done, but I spent here almost an year, in the same bed, trying the same treatments for months without any results, and seeing my body changes so fast, as the cancer was winning.

So this, this experimental thing was like a gift, and I seriously couldn't wait any longer to see it actually works.

"Good then I'll call them right now." She left the room.

"I told you she was gonna find a way to cure you." He said kissing my forehead.

"How could you know?"

"Because it's her job, plus she cares about you and I might have helped her out to find that procedure."

"What?" I opened my eyes wide. "You did that?"

"Mm maybe..." He smirked.

"You can't understand how much I love you. You did that, for me, you gave me a chance. This- this is the most beautiful thing someone has ever done for me." I started blabbing.

He kissed me, making the words die in my throat.

"Thank you." I kissed him back.

"You don't have to thank me. You would have done the same."

That's true.

Dr. Johnson came back in the room again. "They gave us the approval. I'm gonna work on her lungs and in about three hours the nurses will come to get you ready for the transplant." She smiled.

"Thank you."

She nodded and left the room again. I called the girls, while Ethan called the guys, and I gave my mom and my sister the news.

After a while they all came there.

"Are you nervous?" Soph asked.

"Honestly no, I'm sure it will work. And well I trust your mom."

She smiled.

"I love how you're being so positive Bells." Kian said.

"Yeah you're strong, I don't know if I'd have done the same if I was in your place." Dylan said.

"I bet you'd all have been stronger enough guys. Thanks to all of you I kept going on. You're the strongest ones, you gave me the strength."

"Aww." The girls said.

We had a group hug. I just hope to see their beautiful faces when I'll wake up, if I'll wake up.

Precisely three hours later the nurses came in just as the doctor said.

"Sorry guys, but Bells has to go now." They all said smiling.

I felt Ethan's grip tightening as he squeezed my hand. I looked at him.

"I'll be okay. I'll come back, just as you did." My lips came closer to his as we exchanged a passionate kiss. His hand touched my cheek as his fingers ran through my hair.

"I love you." He whispered as our lips broke apart.

"I love you too."

I waved them goodbye as the nurses took my bed out of the room, through the hallways and then into the operation room, the room that could have decided my life.

I took a deep breath as Dr. Johnson asked me if I was ready and I nodded.

The anesthesia immediately started working and a few seconds later my eyes closed.


A.N.: I don't know you but writing this chapter made me a bit anxious lmao

Ethan is still the cutest human being on this universe. Can't fight me on that.

What he did for Belle is so sweet :')

Belle was being positive but inside she wasn't that much. Do you think that the procedure will work?

Will she really come back to Ethan?

Keep reading to find out (:

I love you and have a nice day ❤️

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