Chapter 17

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A.N.: Thank you so much for 3k views on this story and 19k and 24k on Roommates and Zodiac :') ❤️


*a few hours later*

*Nurse's P.O.V.*

I entered Ms. Evan's room to check on her and change the IV, but her bed was empty. I started looking everywhere for her. Oh my God. Dr. Johnson will kill me for this. I opened the door of the bathroom and here she is. Laying on the floor.

I kneeled down next to her. She's still breathing. Thank God. I clicked a 911 on my beeper and Dr. Johnson came in the room quite immediately.

"What happened? Where is Belle?" She asked.

"She is in the bathroom. She doesn't seem unconscious though."

She started checking on her. "She's gonna be fine, she doesn't seem to have a trauma but I'll do a CT, just to be sure. Book one, Sookie."

"Yes, Dr. Johnson." I left the room and ran to book a CT.

*Belle's P.O.V.*

I opened my eyes and felt like my head was pumping. The last thing I remember is that I was trying to get to the bathroom but I have no idea of what happened next.

I looked around myself and I realized that I am in the CT machine. Did I fall again?

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fell in the bathroom. Why were you there by yourself?" Dr. Johnson's voice sounded muffled through the glass that separates us.

I didn't reply. She could have probably figured it out herself. I'm stubborn and I didn't wanna ask the nurse's help to get up. I thought I could make it but of course I couldn't.

Once the CT was done she took me back to my room.

"So what? Do I need another operation or something?"

"No." She tried using a sweet tone but you could clearly see she was kind of pissed from how I was talking to her. "The results were clear, no traumas, which is really good because I stayed up all night studying your case again and I found something."

She was about to continue talking when my mom stepped in.

"Good morning Belle, Jane."

"Hi mum." I said as she kissed my cheek.

"Good morning Anne." Dr. Johnson said. "I was about to tell Belle about a way we could cure her cancer."

She sat next to my bed and Dr. Johnson started talking again.

"So, I searched for some way we could have done it, and the only one that seems capable of working is this innovative therapy called Ex Vivo."

"Innovative? Is it like an experimental thing or something?" My mum asked.

"Yes, it's only available in some hospitals in the USA. I'll explain you how it works and if you're okay with it, I'll call for FDA to have their approval to continue with it."

"Okay." I said.

"It works exactly like a lung transplant, but before that we will work on the donor's lungs to improve the organ quality. The process will last for three/four hours during which the donated lungs are placed inside a sterile plastic dome attached to a ventilator, pump, and filters. The lungs are maintained at normal body temperature and treated with a bloodless solution that contains nutrients, proteins and oxygen. This can reverse lung injury and remove excess lung water. Once determined, we could start the transplant."

"Is it a safe procedure?"

She started explaining all the side effects, since it's a experimental thing, it couldn't of course be safe at all, but I don't care. This is the only chance I have to actually feel better. What do I have to loose?

"I accept." I said.

"Belle-" My mum started saying.

"Mom I'm 18, I can decide myself for these things. I wanna live, and if this could make me feel better then why shouldn't I try?"

I didn't even think that there was a bit of positivity left in me, but I'm glad there is. I didn't wanna give up, I wanted to fight even though this could have been my last fight.

"Okay then, I'll call the FDA right now and we will wait for a donor, but since your cancer is at a really bad point, the UNOS should let you be at the first place of the list."

I nodded and she left the room.

"Are you sure Belle? That you wanna do this?"

"Yes mom. I have to try anything, and if this is my one chance then I wanna do it."

She nodded and then checked her watch.

"I have to go." She kissed my cheek and left.

This illness is destroying her, all these treatments cost so much and she's working a lot to try to pay for it. I don't even know how she's managing do all of this. She is so strong. The strongest woman I've ever seen.

After a few Ethan, the girls and the guys came in.

"Hey." He kissed me. "How are you?"

"Hey. Honestly? I'm feeling better today. Soph, your mom just gave me some great news!"

I started to tell them about what Dr. Johnson told me and they were so happy, because this is actually the only chance I have and they know it.

I just hope it will actually work.


A.N.: So... An experimental thing, uh?

What do you think about it? Will she feel better or not?

Did she do the right thing accepting to do that?

Will she finally beat the cancer?

Keep reading to find out (:

I love you and have a nice day ❤️

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