Chapter 7

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The heart monitor was doing such a loud noise that woke me up.

Oh my God. Ethan was having a kind of attack. I don't even know what it was. His body was shaking so much. It looked like an epileptic attack.

"ETHAN!!" I reached out to press the emergency button and thank God the nurses came immediately just as Dr. Sloan and Dr. Johnson.

"What happened? Why isn't he in his bed?" Dr. Sloan asked.

"I- he started to have an attack. The monitor was buzzing nonstop..." I tried to stay calm as I saw them trying to stabilize him somehow.

"Please you have to do something."

I jumped out of bed and stayed in the corner to let them help him. I couldn't help but started to cry.

Please save him.

I saw them trying to turn him on one side to let the crisis pass, but everything they were doing seemed worthless.

After a while the crisis stopped but the monitor continued buzzing. The noise was deafening. Dr. Johnson auscultate his chest and looked at Dr. Sloan with a weird look. She whispered something to him.

"What's happening?" I asked.

No one answered me.

"What's happening???"

"We have to take him now to the number 2." Dr. Johnson yells at the nurses that started to transport the bed outside.

"We'll talk later Belle." She said to me. "Give her another bed."

She and Dr. Sloan left the room running to go the operation room.

My head is spinning so much. What just happened??

*Dr. Johnson's P.O.V.*

I was getting ready to operate him. With the stethoscope I heard that there was a murmur, his heart was about to cede so he needs a patch as soon as possible.

We can't waist time.

I entered in the room and wore everything I need and went closer to the patient.

"Pass me the scalpel number 11, Sookie." I asked to the nurse next to me.

As soon as she gave it to me I started to cut his skin.

I was right about the murmur. I found the hole and started to do the patch as Dr. Sloan helped me closing it.

Poor guy, he's only 18 and he's already going through a lot.

As we finished to do the patch the monitors started buzzing again. And then a flat line appeared.

No, no way. Not now.

I started to massage his heart but nothing happened.

"C'mon Ethan!" I continued to do it but the line remained flat.

Barely Breathing - E.D.Where stories live. Discover now