Chapter 16

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A.N.: I'm back!! I'm so sorry, I know I didn't update in like centuries but I had so much going on. Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for all the votes, and sweet comments on my stories, and for 23k and 18k views on Zodiac and Roommates (: ❤️
This chapter is probably gonna be the second last one, which means that the next one will be the last chapter. Yes, sadly this story is coming to an end, but I've already got in my mind another plot for a third story, which I hope you'd like as much as I do. I wanted another end for this story, but I changed my mind. I really really hope you're gonna enjoy it (:
Thanks again for reading xx


Warning: this chapter may contain strong content

*Still Belle's P.O.V.*

The next day he came just like he promised, and so did the day later, and the later one again. Each day he came to my room, and we spent it together.

*a few months later*

Whenever he came, that, that was the highlight of my day. But lately it felt like I wasn't enjoying it enough. Not that I was planning not to do it, but I didn't have the strength to. I wasn't even able to move sometimes. The cancer was getting worse and worse, and I was slowly dying with it.

It was slowly devouring me. There was basically nothing left of my body. This person wasn't the old me anymore. This person was the cancer.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked drawings circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Why are you even coming here everyday?"

I really didn't want to say that. Why did I? Why can't I be gentle with him?

"What are you saying? I come here because I care about you. You're my girlfriend."

His voice was calm and sweet while mine tasted like venom.

"There's honestly no point in you coming here. I'm already dead, you know it right?"

"Stop Belle, that's not true. You're still here. You're still you."

"You're basically hanging out with a dead girl, I can't even move. Why don't you just go away? Have a life, forget about me. I'm not worth it."


"Just fucking go, for gods sake!"


"No? Are you even listening to me?"

"What you are saying makes no sense at all. I'm not gonna stop loving you now, I didn't fall in love with the girl with the cancer, I fell in love with you, and I'm not planning to leave you."

"I'm just trying to protect you-" my voice broke. So there's still me inside of this body.

"I can protect myself, plus you're not going to die Belle." He gently put an hand on my cheek and wiped away some tears. I didn't even realize I was crying until now.

"How can you be so sure? It's only going worse. There was no progress at all."

"Dr. Johnson is not gonna give up so easily. She will find something."

I didn't know what to reply, so I just laid my cheek on his hand, feeling his warmth against my cold face.

I saw him smile at me when I opened my eyes and I tried to smile back. Probably the result wasn't what I expected but he seemed not to notice it, or at least he didn't show it.

After dinner he left so I remained here, trying to sleep.

*a few hours later*

I woke up feeling the bladder like it was about to explode. I didn't wanna call the nurse, so I tried to stand up, reaching for the IV bar next to my bed. My legs were shaking as I put a foot on the ground and then the other one. All I can feel right now is pain.

I started to walk as a grimace of pain run through my face. I tried to reach the bathroom as quickly as I could and when I finally did I sat on the toilet. And the pain seemed to have left my body.

As I finished the worst part came. Standing up for washing my hands. Just thinking about it made me shiver and sent pain everywhere.

I stood up and reached the sink. I started to wash my hands as a huge pain spread all along my spine, making me feel like I was going on fire. I reached the bar to stand up but my legs seems to abandon me and I felt on the floor.

Now it was pain that was devouring me.


A.N.: It looks like Belle and Ethan argued but they resolved everything.

Belle is slowly dying though :(

And now she even fell in the bathroom.

Do you think she is gonna feel better? That Dr. Johnson will seriously find something to cure her?

Keep reading to find out (:

I love you and have a nice day ❤️

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