Chapter 13

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Bruno p.o.v.

Her face looks panicked. Her mouth won't move. Why won't she say anything?!

"Pet- I- I-." She says looking extremely worried.

"I need to go..." She says.

My heart sank into my stomach making me feel like a complete idiot.

"Okay, I'll drive you home." I tell her.

"NO no really its fine. I'll just call a cab."

I really fucked up this time. I think I scared the girl away for good.

She left with her stuff.

After an hour I was still sitting with G on the couch thinking.

My phone buzzed and I immediately jumped to get it. It was from Phil,
'Hey remember plane leaves tomorrow at 8!'

I ignored the text being even more depressed. Another hour passed by and I am still in the same position I was in before.

10 more text messages come in from family and friends making me more anxious for her answer.

I went to go take a nap to take my mind off of it.


I'm not at my house, I'm at  a coffee shop watching this girl with long curly brown hair. She looks very familiar.  Its Veronica! Why cant I get up to go and greet her? There's a guy going to sit down with her ;better keep a good eye on him.

Veronica gets up to hug him, but when she does they lock eyes he holds her hand and practically sucks her face off from kissing her so hard. I think I just felt my heart crack into ity bity pieces....

I try to move and go knock some sense into this guy, but my body won't move!!

We are suddenly in the park, but this time the guy is on one knee and a ring in the other hand! I can't watch this anymore. I hear Veronica scream yes and now we are in a hospital room watching her give birth to this beautiful baby. I want to get out of here I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.

I FINALLY wake up and thank god it was a dream.

I take a look at my phone to see if I have any messages. Veronica called 2 times and sent 2 messages!!
'Hey Peter I want to talk about us and what happened this morning.'
'Hey Peter, instead just meet me at this coffee shop.'

Under the message was a picture of a small coffee shop.

I go and get ready to leave the house,  hoping for some good news.
Veronica p.o.v

I sprint out of the house with 1000s of thoughts going through my head.

He wants me to what?

My family

My work


I get home and run upstairs just sitting on the ground. My puppy, Kyle, walks up to me giving me kisses on the face, knowing I was in trouble.

A few hours pass by and I finally decided to shoot him a text saying meet me at this coffee shop. Half hour passes by and I finally meet him. For some reason he is just freaking out and looking all over the place for something. Next thing I know he's all over me kissing me.I pull away and sit down.

"Listen, I know I rushed things WAY to fast. and I understand if you don't want to move in with me all the way over there. But I just want you to know I really do care for you!" He says practically shaking.

I grab his hands and hold them telling him, "Peter I care for you too, but I just don't think I can move in with a superstar after one week."

"I understand. "

"Would you consider still making us work?" I ask


That was the end of our date and we gave each other one last kiss and hug before we parted our ways.

God I hope this works.

From a Hook Up to This?! (Bruno Mars Fic)Where stories live. Discover now