27 - Nottingham by the sea

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Aaron saw several other cars as they crossed the main road. Maybe five or six of them, which was far fewer than he'd expect to see in 2014. In his opinion all the vehicles looked the same. All dark if they weren't black. All resembling a hearse.

With having so few cars, it explained the lack of the need for designated crossing points. Still making it safely to the other side was not as easy as one would expect. Occupying the road alongside the motor cars were several carts. Some pulled by horses and others by hand. There were barrow boys pushing either portable market stalls laden with vegetables or barrows with stock to replenish market stalls elsewhere in the town. One thing was certain: the main road was neither quiet nor empty. It was also, as Aaron considered, intensely smelly with so many horses dolloping huge pancakes onto the road. The manure was something additional needing to be avoided whilst crossing.

Ellen continued taking in the sight of the old buildings, which lined both sides of the main road, just as she had done outside the station. In her day she would cross this very road a handful of times a month and yet she'd never stopped to look up at the tall buildings either side. She couldn't believe that these impressive facades were not around anymore or rather if they were she had never noticed them before. However, in 1941 they certainly looked grand and worthy of adorning a road named Upper Parliament Street.

 However, in 1941 they certainly looked grand and worthy of adorning a road named Upper Parliament Street

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'Have you familiarised yourselves yet?' Marianne enquired.

She was aware the twins were regarding their surroundings.

'Do you know where we are now?' she continued.

'You bet,' said Aaron, as they turned down one of the key arteries leading to the Old Market Square.

'You bet,' said Aaron, as they turned down one of the key arteries leading to the Old Market Square

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'We've walked this road many times,' said Ellen. She started listing the future uses for the shops and properties they were walking past. 'American, Italian, French, Mexican, Scottish, Italian again, oh and another Italian, Brazilian and English.'

Billy was very confused.

'Why are you saying that? What does that all mean?'

'These shops. Many are selling similar stuff. Necessary stuff. Like ... you know ... tin baths and wicker baskets,' said Ellen. 'We don't have shops like that. Not here. Not on this road anyway. Almost all the buildings on this road are now restaurants. Mostly to eat in, but the odd few to take away.'

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