42 - Red and white scarf

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Beeston town, 6th August 1941

Dressed in the same clothes as the day before, and carrying the suitcase, Duckie, Arthur, Youth and Ellen walked to Beeston train station. They occupied the full width of the narrow side road leading towards the platform's main entrance. No-one had spoken for five minutes. Each lost in thought.

Marianne continued to worry about her responsibility for her younger brother, whilst the threat of the big city loomed.

Ellen could not shake off the concern that Earnest was losing his mind and they were now embarking on a journey that could have been a figment of his imagination. His random conversations that very morning had done little to reassure.

Aaron would not admit to it, but he was hoping that there would be no further strangers to avoid, to run from or worse take on. Surely, he thought, it would be only a matter of time before he would be expected to adopt the role of the alpha male and stand up to anyone out to cause them harm.

On the flip side Billy was full of joy on this fine, but slightly cool, summer's morning. He was about to set off on yet another exhilarating trip with his new friends and to top it all he was sporting his new gift.

Over breakfast Earnest had presented his nephew with a scarf in the red and white football colours of Nottingham Forest. As the old man put it, "this will remind you of where your heart lies". Billy thought it an odd statement, but it was in keeping for his Uncle and he loved his gift. Proudly he wore it wrapped around his neck like it was match day or a freezing winter's morning.

Wednesday morning saw very few locals waiting for the Nottingham-bound train so the four had the pick of standing positions on the north platform and decided to move half way along and stand in front of the station building.

Wednesday morning saw very few locals waiting for the Nottingham-bound train so the four had the pick of standing positions on the north platform and decided to move half way along and stand in front of the station building

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'I know it is new to you,' said Marianne, 'but you're not going to wear that all day. Are you?'

'I like it,' Billy replied. 'It's a present.'

'I realise that, but the day is going to warm up and you'll find it frightfully hot.'

'I'm sure I can cope,' said Billy, resolutely.

Ellen was pleased Marianne was encouraging Billy to not wear the scarf because she had a different reason and now felt more comfortable raising it with him.

'It might be a good idea,' said Ellen, 'to put the scarf to one side just for now.'

'Why?' asked Billy. 'If it gets hot I'll loosen it and if I get really hot then I'll take it off. Honestly what's all the fuss about? It's only a football scarf?'

'That is my point,' said Ellen. 'We're trying our hardest to not draw attention to ourselves. To pass by unnoticed. Wearing a footy scarf that's in bright bold colours is a bit ... well you'll stand out in a crowd. Especially at a time when there isn't much football being played and on a Wednesday in the summer.'

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