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'This is a real treat. Mum never lets us light the fire until the evening. To be honest we hardly use this room,' said Marianne. 'When Dad was home he would sit in this room after supper, but we weren't allowed in. But since we got the wireless Mum's let us come in here most evenings to catch up with the news.'

Ellen's ears pricked up.

'You've got wireless, oh great.'

She leant back, put her hand in the pouch of her sweatshirt and pulled out her Ivory-C. She applied some nifty finger work on the screen, screwed up her nose, held the gadget up in front of her face, as though it was a make-up mirror, then to the side and then back in her lap.

'I can't pick up the -'

'Sorry? Pick up the what?' asked Marianne.

Ellen felt foolish and tutted herself.

'Don't worry. You said you had wireless and for a second I thought you were talking about something else.'

'But we do. We have a wireless. Isn't it smart?'

She pointed to the ornate wooden box on the sideboard.

Ellen looked at the object, which she was earlier puzzled over.

'The wooden box?'

'Yes that's it. That's the wireless ... a radio. You do know what a radio is, don't you?'

'Yes of course I do.'

'We've only had it a couple of months, but it's really great

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'We've only had it a couple of months, but it's really great. I just want to keep listening to it, but I can't. For most of the day nothing is broadcast so we have to wait, but at six o'clock we hear the news from London. Can you believe that? Here we are in York and we can hear someone telling us the news from London.'

Ellen and Aaron looked at each other with bemused smiles. It was as though they'd just met an alien.

Marianne whispered, but still loud enough that everyone in the room could hear her.

'I often want to walk over to the wireless and peep in through the mesh to see if there is a little man inside, the little man who reads the news.'

Reading the looks on the twins' faces she changed the subject and talked a little louder.

'But ... I like music nights the best. They're on Saturdays and Wednesdays after the news. They play all of the big band favourites, live from some of London's most glitzy ballrooms. It's like nothing I've ever heard before.'

Marianne was practically looking up to the heavens and holding her hands like she was praying. She adored listening to the big bands.

Aaron coughed and Marianne came back down to earth.

Ellen Blake Destined To ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now