38 - Bench

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Aaron made sure their suitcase was tucked firmly under his chair, just to prevent Colonel from getting to it, and told the others he was off to check on his sister.

As he made for the gate he looked in both directions but there was no sign of Ellen. Before heading back in the direction of the station he saw someone across the road in the park. Someone facing away sitting on a bench.

'You all right?'

There was no response and Aaron walked around the bench and sat down as close as possible to his sister whilst avoiding the pigeon mess. Ellen didn't move but just sat there leaning forwards with her head in her hands.

'Shame he couldn't help,' Aaron said, looking around the park to see how different it was from the one he knew in the future.


Ellen's face was contorted between rage and despair. She had streaks down her cheeks from where Aaron assumed she had sobbed hysterically before his arrival.

'Well, we were hoping he'd at least know something. Weren't we?'

'Listen to yourself, Aaron. You're acting like this is a little set back. It's not. It's absolutely ... screw with your head, wrench your guts out and blow your world apart ... in a monumental way.'


'Yes, wow,' said Ellen, pulling her knees up to her chin and wrapping her arms around her legs.

'We've no other options now. At least nothing we have any control over. We'll just have to remain here and wait for their Dad to return from fighting. Or rather pray that he does return and before 1945.'

'Maybe something else will crop up,' said an optimistic Aaron. 'Maybe we go back to York and find those strange men and talk to them. It could all be a mistake and they really can help. After all, they do appear to know about the time travelling thing. On the other hand what's to say that old Earnest in there does eventually remember something? He's got one hell of a memory on him.'

'Exactly. He remembers loads of pointless stuff and yet how come he doesn't remember something remarkable like how to help people lost in time get home again? I'll tell you how come. Because he doesn't know. He never knew. This has been a wild goose chase. It's useless.'

'It's only been two days. So we may have to be here a little longer. But I'm confident that we'll find a way. I can feel it in my bones. It's fate.'

'Oh, you sound like Bonnie now. Please don't talk to me about fate. Face it, we're screwed.'

With the warm evening sun moving towards the west, ready to start its farewell tour, the pair sat quietly staring at the trees and grass before them, lost in thought.

'Come quickly!' came a shout from behind them.

'Aaron ... Ellen ... come on. Come back now!'

Billy ran across the road towards the park and bench.

Aaron turned swiftly and saw what he assumed was panic in the boy's face.

'What's wrong? Oh no, he hasn't died ... has he?'

Billy took a couple of quick deep breaths and continued.

'No, no! But you've got to come back. It is Uncle Earnest though.'

'What? What's he done? What's happened?'

'He's remembered. He's remembered.'

The twins jumped from the seat and darted back towards the house following Billy. As she ran, Ellen cursed the fact that her brother had only just mentioned that dreaded word. Fate.

Copyright © Dean Constable 2016

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