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"(Y/n)" your mom calls from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" You say as you walk in.

"Dinner is done." She finished putting bread rolls on the table and you see that she had made spaghetti.

"Hell yeah spaghetti." You jump, and then sit at the table. Your dad comes in as your filling your plate with the noodle goodness, and refills his coffee. Your older brother comes in with a grunt and sits across from you.

"So, how was work?" Your mom directed the question to your brother.

"Ugh, don't get me started. I had to tow this guys car out of a ditch, and instead of taking it to a shop he wanted me to take it to his house and he rode with me and wouldn't stop touching everything. It was like he was 10 years old in a 30 years olds body, and asked so many stupid questions." He huffed and scooped food onto his plate.

"That's the work life." You laugh.

"Yeah, speaking of, when are you going to get one?" He turned up his eye brow and smirked at you.

"shut up I'm looking." You retort.

"not hard enough."

"okay let's just eat." Your dad interrupted.

It's Saturday so you decided to go to the mall, you walked around to get your steps in, and to waste time until you figured out what to really do.
There was screaming coming from the food court, you run as fast as you can to investigate. Turning the corner you are met with three large purple beings shooting people with weird laser guns.

"No way, is this some sort of cosplay thing?"
People ran away as they fired at them. You realize this is real and not some play. One grabs a little girl by her hair, taking out your pocket knife you jump into action. Kicking the back of his knee making him fall you touch his throat with the cold steel. "Let her go." You growl in his ear. He lets go of her and she runs to her mother. But you are blind sided by another and fall to the ground, they loom over you.
"Take this one, she will be a fine weapon for zarkon." Everything goes black as you fall unconscious.

You come to just as you are being thrown into a cell, the hard hit of the cold ground woke you completely.
Looking up at who threw you, you were shocked at the purple being.
"No way, you- you're galra."

"You've heard of us? Such an intelligent little bug aren't you."

"Yeah you're a purple freak."

"You may call me Sendak."

"Let me out, you purple bastard." You knew from watching the show voltron that if these guys were anything like the galra in the show, you were in big trouble.

"You're feisty, looks like I'll have to show you some manners."
He opened the door and stepped in, you brace the wall with no where else to go.  He steps close and smacks you across the face, then grabs your wrist and pulls out a blade.
"No, don't you dare." You struggle to get free, but to no prevail.
He slides the blade across the back of your arm, ripping the flesh causing you to scream out as pain rushes through you.
"No, stop." You grip his hand digging your nails into his wrist, and pulled free. Then you kick him, he drops the blade and you grab it. As he stands to face you, you throw the blade at him and it strikes his shoulder; simultaneously you are shocked by blackish purple lightning and fall to the floor unconscious.

You strain your eyes as they slowly open, feeling the cold ground against your cheek you see the bars of the cell.
"Damn, it wasn't a dream." You say as you struggle to sit up, pain shooting from your arm. "Fuck." You look down to see the blood clotting on your arm. You feel your hip and notice your knife is gone, but your phone still sits in your back pocket.

"I wonder if I have service in space?" Your thoughts are interrupted by shouting and what seems to be gunshots. You play dead with your face towards the wall.
"Check for prisoners." You hear a commanding voice say.

"Hello there, you're savior is here." Said a flirtatious voice.

"We got more over here." He sounded husky. The voices seemed to be getting closer.

"Shiro, there's a person in here." A raspy voice said, you knew he was talking about you.

"Shiro? Oh my god, voltron is real, how can a tv show be real?" You think to yourself, and continue to pretend to be unconscious.

"A person? As in a human?"

The door opens and you feel hands turn you over on your back. They feel your head then neck, feeling your pulse they proceed to pick you up. You grunt from this and open your eyes.

"You're awake?" You look up to a man in a white and red suit and another in the same suit but with black. You look at them in awe still not able to grasp the idea that cartoon characters are standing in front of you.
"Can you walk?"

Following them down the hall with the other prisoners, you hear voices shouting at you.
"Stop them."
Sentries and those purple bastards stand in front of you, blocking the exit.
"Ah, the Paladins of voltron. How nice of you to give yourselves up to me." It was Sendak. Of course.
"And you're taking away my prisoners."
You look him up and down and notice your knife on his hip.
"You have my knife, give it back." You ordered.

"Ha, still feisty I see."
The sentries started to fire and you took cover, Keith shields you.

"Stay down, unless you want to get hurt." He said as he takes out his shield and sword. You marvel at the sword, until your focus is brought back to reality when you felt a shot come from behind. It grazed your shoulder. Springing into action you take out the sentries and steal its weapon.

"How do I use this thing?" Turning it sideways and pushing what looks to be a trigger, a single Beam of light came out and hit the wall. "Awesome, alright let's do this." You shot at everything that looked to be a threat.
When the purple bastard was cornered by the others you stopped them.
"This is payback. Say bye bye sendick." You shot him in the head and his body went limp. You drop the gun and take your knife off of him. 

"Woah, you shot him in the head." Said the blue suit you knew to be lance.

"Yup." You smile.

"And you just shot me in the heart." He wiggled his eyebrows and smiled at you.

"Lance knock it off." Said Shiro.

You make it to the castle of lions and are completely blown away at how much the shows creators really got every detail correct, it was scary to think that a cartoon could be real. Still figuring out if you should tell them that they are a cartoon show, you tried not to be so straight forward when speaking to them.

"Who are you?" Shiro asked.

"I'm (y/n)."

"how did you get captured? Did they stop your ship? Are you rebel fighter?" Asked pidge.

"Um no, they were on earth." You said shyly.

"What, how?" Lance freaked.

"We were in the complete opposite direction of earth, but then we traveled through a rift in the universe. Are we still in our reality?" Pidge questioned.

"I don't think so. You won't believe this, but I know a lot about you. All of you, because of a show called voltron: legendary defender."

They looked at you with disbelief and awe.
"No way we're a tv show. Am I incredibly handsome in it?"

"Lance this is serious. What can you tell us about this." Princess Allura said. She was even more beautiful than in the show. Pidge had gone to her computer to check that they are in a different reality.
" I don't really know how to explain this." You say.

"This is crazy. I need comfort food." Hunk groaned and held his stomach. Lance was striking stupid poses and pidge was frantically typing, Keith and shiro stood staring at each other in confusion.

"Everyone calm down. This is a lot to take in, (y/n) has had quite a day. I'm sure she would like some rest." Allura spoke.

"Um, yeah kinda." You rub your neck and weakly smile.

Princess Allura took you to a room for you to sleep.
"The bathroom is through that door."

"Thank you princess."

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