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You wake up and feel arms around your waist, looking to see Keith's sweet face nestled into the pillow. Remembering last night you smile and look down to see that your still naked. A hum escapes from his lips as he turns on his back letting go of you, but his hand found yours and held tightly. You decide to wake him up the best way you knew how. By climbing on top of him and kissing his bare chest. The blanket was the only thing between you and him, so you could feel his member twitch. He groans in his sleep until his eyes flutter open, a smile curling on his lips as he sees you nakedly sitting on him.

"Good morning." You sang.

"It sure is." He pulls you in for a kiss, and you enjoy each other.

The other Paladins are in the kitchen having breakfast with the princess, coran, and lotor.
"Where are Keith and (y/n)?" Asked Allura.

"They're probably having a nice morning together." Said lotor.

"Yeah, i wood say, it's a very exciting morning." Lance stifled a laugh.

"You two knock it off, don't talk like that in front of the princess." Said shiro.
Pidge and hunk looked to each other with confused faces.
"Say, lance. Did you use the notes that Keith gave you?" Lotor asked.
Lance almost spit out his food, he chocked it down before turning bright red. Pidge rubbed his back, "be careful." She says sweetly.

"No, I have not. And that's none of your business anyways." He glared at lotor.

"My my, you seem pent up. Might want to fix that."

"What is he talking about?" Asked pidge.

"Nothing, he's just being weird like always." He finished his food and left.

You collapse onto Keith, panting and dripping in sweat. Hair sticking to your forehead, you roll off him and wipe your brow.
"That was defiantly the best way to wake up." He smiled. You managed to get up and take a shower, and he joined you. When you finally got to the kitchen everyone was already gone.
"Late to breakfast I guess." You laugh.

You hide behind a statue waiting for the galra to come so you could take them out, while pidge did her thing with the computer. You hear Keith and lance fighting galra soldiers over your com.
"Keith!" Lance yelled.

"What's going on? Keith?" You ask. He doesn't answer. "Lance what's happening?"
All you hear is breathing and grunts, then guns blasting. Soon you heard footsteps coming down the hall fast. Lance is running for his life.
"Let's go, we got to go."

"Where is Keith?"

"They got him."

"What? We can't just leave him."

"What about the red lion?" Asked pidge.

"I don't know, but we have to go. We need the others."

"No, I'm not leaving without Keith." You try to run but lance grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder.

"Lance put me down."

"Nope, we're getting out of here."

"No, Keith!"

Keith is unconscious as the Druids strap him to the wall. Haggar gave him a little shock to wake him up.
"What, you. What do you want with me?" He jumped and glared at the witch.

"You are part of that rebel group blade of marmora, correct?" She said as she twiddled his blade in her hands.

"Give that back." He barked.

"Only galra are part of that group. Time for some answers." She sent black lightning at him, screaming out in pain as it hits him. "How did you get this knife?"

"We have to go back. He could be in danger." You panic and walk in circles.

"(Y/n), calm yourself. We will get Keith back." Allura held your shoulder.

"Coran, is the red lion still on the ship?"

"Yes, it's sitting there right now."

"So he's not in trouble yet." You feel slightly relieved. He isn't being tortured yet.

"The red lion will attack once he senses Keith is in danger. When it starts moving we go in." Said shiro.

"I don't want to wait."

"(Y/n) you will stay here when it's time to fight."


"Your blinded by emotions right now, you won't be able to focus."

"Screw you, my emotions are what will help find him." You storm off to you room.

"Who gave it to you?" Haggar struck Keith with more lighting.
"Why do the blades trust you?"

Keith spit out blood, "I'm part galra."

"Are you now?" She took a sharp tool and cut into his arm, using a vile to catch his blood as it pours out. The ship rumbled. "What are was that?" She looked to him and he was grinning. "Red, he knows I'm in trouble."

"Get fighters to shoot down the lion." She told the sentries.
She set the vile down and got a saw, "I'll collect more from him." She slowly ripped into his shoulder enjoying his screams, blood pooling down his arm as the skin split open.
"High priestess, there are intruders."

"Then take care of them, I'm busy." She stopped to turn around and was met with a foot to the face.

"Tsk tsk, you've been a very bad witch. But I won't deal with you right now." Lotor stepped over her and untied Keith.

"Where's (y/n)?"

"Should be here soon."
A few seconds later you come Barreling in, sword at the ready. You see Keith and are relieved, but it quickly washes away as you see the gash in his shoulder. You look to see Haggar on the ground.
"Get him out of here"

"What about you?"

"Go! Neither of you need to see this." Your voice struck in their chest, scaring them. Lotor obeyed your order and took Keith out.
After you were done dismembering the witch you take the vile of Keith's blood, figuring that's what it was.
You get to the hanger and meet team Voltron. Space dad shiro, not looking happy. You walk past him and into the red lion. Keith couldn't fly, so it flew on its own.
Once Keith was in a healing pod, Allura and shiro chewed you out.
"That was reckless of you to go in there just the two of you." Allura pointed her finger.

"What if they caught you too?"

"Lotor, you should have definitely known better."

"Come now, princess. We saved Keith, so take it easy."

"Your missing the point, it was very dangerous to go there without the whole team."

"I don't give a shit. Sorry princess, but I couldn't stay sitting here while Keith was in trouble." You raise your voice.

"Look, Keith is safe, thank you for getting him. Both of you, but next time don't be so reckless." Shiro folded his arms across his chest and let out a sigh.

You sit and wait for Keith to get done healing, and lotor questions you.
So, did you kill her, the witch?"

"Um yeah, I cut off her arm, she woke up and I cut the other one off. Then her legs, she was swearing at me but couldn't do anything. Then I chopped her head off."

"Nicely done, there's one less thing standing in our way to stop zarkon."
You hear the air lock release on the pod and jump up waiting to catch Keith. He stumbles out into your arms, and you fall to the floor on your knees holding him.
"Keith." You sigh.

"(Y/n)." His voice is weak, he opens his eyes and looks up at you. A bright smile painted on your face.
"I'm so glad you're alright." You hug him tightly.

"Me too."
You go the kitchen where the others were waiting with a feast for him. You all fill your stomachs until you couldn't anymore, then heads hit pillows as sleep took over you, resting up for the next day.

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