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"Paladins wake up. Get to the bay right now. Paladins now, I need you." Allura called over the castles speakers. You and Keith fall out of bed and rush down to the bay.
"Oh please come quick, we need you now." Coran flamboyantly yelled.
When you get there with the others you find that nothing is wrong.
"Oh come on, it was a drill?" You annoyingly asked.

"Thank goodness it was, and not a real attack. Because you failed." Said coran.

"I need my beauty sleep, coran. Stop Doing this." Lance whined.

"Zarkon isn't resting, and neither should you. Get to your lions, we got a signal from a near by planet asking for help." Allura ordered.
Suiting up and climbing into the red lion, you fly off to a little half green half yellow planet.
Shiro makes introductions while you keep a look out.
"They said galra have been here, but seem to be gone now." Said Keith as he walked over to you.

"Ugh I'm hungry, can we go back?" You groan.

"We have to stay here for a while, shiro needs to make sure they don't come back and help these people fortify their planet."
You spot something is the bushes and ready your sword.
"Maybe they didn't leave." You say. Two galra soldiers jumped out and rushed you. Striking a blow to one, the other went after Keith. They clash sword and daggers, more jumped out attacking the others.
"Pidge get the people to safety. Lance, hunk let's go." It was an army, once pidge helped the people, she joined the battle.  You were being overwhelmed with five opponents and one remembered you. "You're that girl that killed Sendak."


"Revenge for Sendak." He thrusts his sword at your head, bending back you dodge it, and falling to your knees you have an opening to stab him and take it. Piercing his abdomen straight through, his arm went limp and dropped his sword. You kick him off your weapon and proceed to fight the others. One by one the galra fell, you fall to one knee and hold yourself up with your sword as a crutch. Taking a breath,  but you didn't realize there was more.
Two soldiers jumped you, before you knew it you were on the ground arms pinned over your head and the tip of a sword at your throat.

"(Y/n), no!" Keith ran to you only to have more block him.
"She's coming with us." The one holding the sword to you growled. With all your might you kicked the sword out of his hand and continued to kick back knocking the other off of you. Your efforts are in vain as more attack you and throw you in a bag, and took you with them on the cruiser.

"No, (y/n), (y/n)!" Keith rushed to his lion and took off after you.
"Keith, what are you doing?"

"They took (y/n). What do you think I'm doing?"

"We still have to help these people."

"You can do that. I won't let them hurt her."

"Keith." He turned off his com and continued flying after you.

"My lord, this is the girl that killed Sendak." You were thrown to the grown, when you look up you see him, "zarkon." Your breath hinges.

"This little girl really killed Sendak?" His voice boomed.

"Yes sir."

"You're even uglier in person." You managed to say.

"Take her to the Druids." He sneered. Your eyes go wide, as you know what is sure to come.

You hang on the wall, waiting to see the ugly Haggar and await torture. She finally came in.
"So you are the one who killed Sendak? Nice to meet you, now let's see what's in that head of yours."  She shot you with magic, it felt strange it wasn't the electricity from before. This was in your body, you could feel her penetrating your mind.

"No get out of my mind."

"Oh, you're from this reality." She smiled. You did all you could to only think about how ugly zarkon was, and how Haggar and him are married and had lotor.
"How do you know this?" She breaks through your mind, "a tv, show? What is that?"
She stopped, confused on how you know about all this.
"I'm sorry." You weakly say.

"What?" The witch looks at you.

"I'm sorry, that your husband doesn't even remember you."
She grabbed your throat, "how do you know that?"

"I just do. I also know that Keith is coming for me, so do your worse I won't break."

"High priestess, there is an intruder."

"My hero." You smile. Before they could react the door flew off the hinges hitting Haggar. Smoke clouded your eyes, you see a figure swing at the the other Druid knocking him down.
"Keith!" The smoke cleared, but who you saw wasn't Keith. "L-lotor?"

"Hello. You are not happy to see me?" He tilts his head.

"Where is Keith?"

"Fighting, I knew where you were so I came. Shall we go?" He takes the chains off you and carries you bridal style.

"I can walk on my own."

"But can you run, and keep up?" You stay quiet and hold on as he runs as fast as he can. Keith was finishing off soldiers when you came into the hanger.

"(Y/n)." You jump out of lotors arms and run to Keith. He grabs you and spins you around, setting you down he kisses you passionately.

"What a touching reunion, can we do this when we are safe?" Said lotor.
You get in the red lion and fly off, lotor disabled the cruiser making a clean get away.
You meet everyone back at the castle.
"(Y/n), you're okay." Pidge hugged you. Then lance, and hunk, shiro and Allura joined, and coran as well.
"Are you alright? They didn't hurt you at all?" Asked Allura.

"Haggar tried to get into my head. But I'm fine. She didn't get anything from me."

"Thank goodness."

You lay in bed, in Keith's arms, curled against his chest with his arm against your back and playing with your long hair. He brings his hand up and rubs your head. You look up at him tenderly, "Keith." You whisper.
"What is it?" You lock lips, moving so your sitting on him; legs around his hips he sits up and presses his back to the wall. His hand moves from your face to your neck and around to the nape, under your hair. Pushing up and tangling his fingers in your hair. He pulled his hand slightly making you let out a small moan. You pull away and look at him, a different look in your eyes.

"Take me." Your voice a whisper, seductive with your eyes blazing with fiery passion.
"I can't."

"What? Why?"

"I- this can't happen right now. I'm sorry." He ran out of the room.
"Keith, wait." You sat dejected, confused, and lonely. That night you didn't get any sleep.

** sad face. "I'm Keith I'm so emo." He ran away.**

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