The show

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"So tell me, (y/n). How much does this cartoon show tell you about us?" Pidge asked.

"Is any of it true?" Asked hunk.

"Well, did your brother and dad go missing while they were on a mission?" You asked pidge.


"Did you end up finding Matt?"

"Yeah. How did they know about that?" Her eyes sparkled with interest.

"Fate, I don't know. Some cosmic force that beamed your lives into the mind of someone from another reality, and he made the idea to turn it into a tv show." You shrug.

"Scientifically, doesn't make sense. But it's the most logical thing I can believe." She said as she pushed her glasses up.
You notice Keith sitting alone, he looked to be brooding.
"Hey." You plop down next to him.

"Oh, hey." He barely looked at you.

"Are you okay?" Knowing him he will probably be dramatic with his answer.

"I'm fine." He stands up and walks away. "You say you know about us because of this show, but we don't know anything about you. You could be a spy for the galra for all we know."

"Keith." Shiro's dad voice came out.

"We rescued her from a galra ship, she's not a spy. You stupid hothead."

"Oh shut it lance, you're just saying that because she's cute."

"Enough you two." Space dad to the rescue.

"I'm sorry." You say with your head down. Pidge put her hand on your shoulder but you knock it off and run off to your room.

"Good job mullet head, now (y/n) is upset."
He sighs and drops to the couch.

You sat on the floor against your bed, hoping for Keith to come in and attempt to apologize in his cute and awkward way. But maybe not everything is the same as the show. Then a knock came from the door, you jump up with excitement but quickly put on a stale face and open the door. It was Keith, with a cute pouty face.

"Can I come in?" You step to the side without a word and he walks in.
"Look, I didn't mean to say you were a spy. I just- it's hard to believe that there is a tv show about us." He stared at the ground.

"I know, it's hard to believe that the characters from a show I watch are actually real people."

"What do you know about us?" He finally looks up at you.

"You're part galra." He clenched his fist.

"And I know you're the nicest person around. Your anger gets the best of you but you always see the error right after it settles and try to make up for it. The blades have been helping you with your emotions and knowledge of your heritage." You stop as he steps closer to you.

"How can you know all that?"

"Because it's all on the show. I'm not smart like pidge, I can't explain it, but in my reality; Voltron, you guys are a tv show."

He sat down on your bed and tried to wrap his head around everything. His fist were still balled up on his knees. You step closer and run your hand through his hair.

"It's okay." He stiffens from your words.
"If you think I'll hate you because of the galra half of you, I don't. And I never will." He relaxed and released his hands. You kept petting his hair, it was soft and luscious. You notice that he is blushing and stop, making him look at you with disappointment.
"Did you like that?" You can't help to smile a little at how he looked like a child who didn't get his favorite toy.
He blushes again and shakes his head. You giggle and his eyes look at you but his face stays straight. "You're cute." You smile.

The two of you meet everyone in the kitchen for dinner.
"Have you two made up?" Asked Allura.

"Yeah." You smile.

"Yup." Monotone Keith sits next to Shiro. You sit next to pidge and girl talk.

"Oh, Princess, coran, how did you like finding out where milk comes from?" You smirk. They both went pale.

"You even know about that?"

"Haha yeah."

"Let's not talk about that." Coran was not hungry anymore and put his face on the table. Hunk took his plate and wolfed down the food.
"Could you show us the show?" Asked pidge.

"Um I tried watching Netflix but I realized you don't have wifi, guess you don't need it."

"Oh don't worry, I'll figure it out." Pidge went off to work on her computer.
Everyone finished eating and went to the bridge, where pidge had just finished a little machine that could give your phone wifi. You plug your phone in and proceed to show them episode one.

"That is crazy accurate. How?" Hunk was amazed and confused.

"I don't know."

"What is everyone doing in here?" You turn to see a tall slender figure walk in and turn the lights on. Your eyes adjust and you see long white hair flow as he walks over to you.

"Lotor." You breathe out.
He leers at you with a wicked smile, leaning down a little.

"How is it that you know my name? Have you been talking about me?" He stood up and faced the others.

"No, (y/n) was showing us a show that is all about us. Wait does that mean lotor is in the show?" Asked lance.

"Yeah a little bit, zarkon is his dad, and he was exiled."

"How do you know that?" He gritted his teeth.

"It's a show, I guess you could say, it's just how this reality works."

"Can't be, you were telling this, little being about me." He sneers at you.

"No really, watch this. It's called Voltron." Lance hit the play button and played episode 2.

"This can't be, how is this possible? What is this sorcery?" Lotor was baffled.

"Sorry no magic was used here, it's just the fate of the cosmos." You say.

"Fate of the cosmos." He mocks, "Whatever helps you sleep at night." He left the room.

"Oh sleep sounds good right now." Hunk yawned. And soon made his way to his room. Pidge soon got the same idea, then lance, Allura, coran, and shiro until it was just you and Keith.

"Want to see my favorite episode?"

It was when pidge reveals she's a girl, when it shows lances face you laugh out loud.

"It's gets me every time. He's so dense. I love it"

"Yeah he sure is an airhead."

"Yeah. It's getting late." You yawn.

"Yeah should get some sleep." He stands up and lends a hand to help you. You rub his wrist and feel where your nails dug into.

"I'm sorry." You slowly drop your arm but he lightly grabs back, turning it to see no scar.

"The healing pod really worked." He said.

"Yeah, those things are amazing." Still holding, he rubs little circles on the back of your hand.

"You're safe here, you know that right?"

"Yeah, of course. The paladins of voltron are here to protect me." You smile.

"Good. As long as you know."
He walked you to your room holding your hand the whole time. You were sad that you got there so quickly.
"Good night, (y/n)."

"Good night, Keith." He let go of your hand, and lightly kissed your forehead before jetting off down the hall to his room. Leaving you blushing madly.

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