First time

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****warning, this chapter will contain some lemon.****

You stalk into the kitchen, you sit and ignore the concerned stares.
"Damn, (y/n). You look like shit."

"Thanks lance. I didn't sleep."

"Is everything okay?" Pidge asked as she sat next to you.

"Um, Keith ran away from me last night." You whisper to her so no one else heard.


"I don't know. I wanted to. You know, and he said no and ran out."

"Wow, I can't imagine why he would say no."
The runner made his way to the table and sat next to lance. He didn't look at you, but you could see he had a sad look on his face.
"He didn't get any sleep either." Said pidge.

"Man, Keith you look like shit too."

"Mhm." Is all he said.
After breakfast you managed to take a power nap, then trained with lotor to try to get your mind off of things.
"My only thoughts about this is, he's either just now realizing he's gay, or its his first time." Said lotor as he went to punch you, blocking it and countering you land the hit and then pause.
"It would be my first time too." You look to the floor, "he's probably just nervous."

"Or he's gay." Lotor teased.

"Shut up."

"Would you like some tips, or maybe have a partner to practice with?"

"What? Are you suggesting I sleep with you?"

"Well I am experienced in the matter. Wouldn't you want someone with experience?" He smiled sweetly but it had a hint of seduction.

"Um no. You of all people hell no. Why don't you practice safe sex and go fuck yourself."

"My my such language. I'm not used to hearing this from a young lady, my charm always gets the girls."

"Oh yeah I bet." You roll your eyes and start to walk out. But he stops you by grabbing your wrist.

"Like I said before I'm intrigued by you. You spark something in me." He pushed you against the wall his mouth by your ear, his cool breath on your skin. He smells of mint and his hands hold your hips.
"Are you going to rethink my offer?"

"No, now let me go." You punch him in the face he falls back and you run out of the room. You run to your room where Keith was standing against the wall.

"Can we talk?"
You sit on your bed waiting for him to say something.
"(Y/n), I, I'm sorry about running out last night." He finally spoke.

"Why did you?"

"I, I have strong feelings for you, but I don't want to ruin anything."

"Keith, I love you." He's looks at you wide eyed.


"Yeah, thats why I want to, I wanted to be closer to you."

"(Y/n). I love you too."

****stop lemon time****

you crash your lips to his, wrapping his arms around you he pulls you onto him as he lays down. Your fingers play around in his Raven hair and his hands travel to your back and down more to grab your butt. You gasp allowing him to claim your mouth with his tongue, you wrestle for dominance but he wins as you pull away for air.
You sit up and take in his appearance; messy hair, chest rising as he pants, and eyes filled with passion. He traces his fingers along the hem of your shirt, you take it off and he pulls you down and flips over so he's on top. He kisses down your neck, hitting a spot and you let out a moan. He licks the spot over again, listening to your small sighs. He remembered what he accidentally did last night, and picked you up on his lap, gliding his hand under your hair to the nape of your neck. Running his fingers through your hair, he grabbed and pulled, you moan a little louder than before.

"Keith." You breathe out. Lips crash again as he takes off your bra, massaging your breast he licks and bites your neck.
He takes your pants off and lays you on your back, your knees are on his shoulders as he pleasures you. Moaning louder from his wet muscle moving in and around your sensitive skin, you grab at his hair.

"Keith, oh god."
He pulls away to stand and take his pants off, you crawl to the edge of the bed and sit as you pleasure him. His hand is lightly holding your cheek, he lets out low moans. "(Y/n), ahh~"

You pull away and lick your lips as you stare up at him with lustful eyes. He pushed you back and got on top of you, erect at your hole he looks to you before moving. You nod and he slowly slides in, you gasp from pain, he waits for you to adjust, you nod for him to continue.
You cry out in pure pleasure as his thrust become faster, "ahh~Keith."

"Fuck, (y/n). You feel so good." Leaning down and pushing his face into the bed next to your shoulder he goes deeper and harder, both of you breathe and moan in sync as you reach climax. His arms give out and he drops onto of you.
"(Y/n)." He pushes himself up to look at you, smiling sweetly he bows his head and kisses your chest where your heart is. "I love you."

"I love you too."
**** lemon over****

You take a nap while Keith got dressed and went for a glass of water. Lance and lotor sat at the table.
"I believe you owe me 20 gac now." Lotor smiled.

"Dang it." Lance pounded his fist on the table.

"What were you guys betting on?" Keith asked as he filled his cup from the sink.

"If you would or would no come in here for a glass of water after your little arousing spar with (y/n)." Lotor teased. Keith chocked on his water, "what, how would you know about that?"

"Lance here walked by and heard you."

"Dude you were loud, both of you." He laughed. Keith face palmed then finished off his water. "Whatever, it was great. Maybe you should take some notes and use them on pidge."
Lances face went white and lotor couldn't hold in his laughter. "Ah, that's right, you and the green paladin are a couple now. So tell us have you two had coitus?" Lotor asked. Keith sat down waiting for his answer.

"Um, well. We haven't done anything yet." He looked down and scratched his neck.

"I say we have an orgy, how bout it?" Lotor grinned.

"Hell no." Keith and lance harmonized.

"Dude find your own girl, no one is touching pidge but me. If she lets me." The last part he said more quietly as he stood up.

"Yeah and your not going anywhere near "(y/n)."
Both of them stormed off and went to their girlfriends.
"Oh they are so easy to tease." Lotor laughed to himself.

** lotor is a freak. Haha. What's next to come?**

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