Part of the team

999 23 13

You wake up to an empty bed, pouting at how much of an early riser Keith is. You find him and the others eating breakfast.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" You look at Keith.

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you." He blushes lightly.

"You're sweet." You kiss his head and sit down. You look over to see pidge and lance sitting next to each other. His hair a faded green, and she was playing with it. 
You look to shiro who was sitting next to the princess, like always. You give him a smile and look between them as if saying 'why not tell everyone.' He cleared his throat and gave you a stare, a flat out no. Annoyed you ignore him and eat your food.

You sat in the observation room and watched Keith as he fought with a robot, this time you waited for lotor to show. Standing in front of the door, and looked back every so often to see Keith. The door silently opened slowly and you jumped behind it so he didn't see you.

"Oh, strange she's not here."

"Guess again." You said smugly.

"Ah, you tricked me. How cunning." He smiled.

"Well you need to stop acting like a damn ninja."

"Heh, on to a more pressing matter." He changed the topic.


"You looked absolutely adorable being carried in Keith's arms."


"And he took you to his room no less, did you have fun last night?"

"You need to stop watching me, and get a hobby."

"Beg my pardon, but I'm intrigued by you and your knowledge about us." He got serious and leaned in closer. "You could use it against us, for all we know my father could learn of you and give you an offer you just couldn't refuse, and you would betray us just like that." He snapped his fingers loudly in your face.

"I would never, I would help you to defeat him. He has weaknesses too."

"Oh, well please do share." The door slammed open to reveal Keith.
"get away from her."

"Keith." You run to him. Lotor never realized you pushed the speaker button so that anyone in the training deck could hear the conversation from the observation room.
"You need to stay away from her, got it. She's not a spy, and she's not going to betray us."

"How can you be sure? What has she done to prove she is loyal to us?"

"She knows of my past, my heritage. And still wants to be near me, that's good enough for me to know she's on our side. You of all people should know how it feels to be misjudged for your actions, and upbringing. Or did you forget, prince lotor; son of zarkon, whom is trying to take over the entire universe." Sassy Keith is sexy Keith.
He looks to the ground, thinking. You walk up to him, he looks at you with hate in his eyes; but it's not towards you.

Grabbing his hand you give him a smile. "I know you're not your father. You are nothing like him, but your anger for him is clouding your judgement of others. Please see that I am on your side."

Unexpectedly he gives you a hug. "Forgive my rudeness."

"Already forgiven, can you let go of her now." Keith said.

"Ah, but what if I was to kiss her." He joked. Keith grit his teeth.

"Stop it, he doesn't get jokes like that. And that's nothing to joke about anyways." You push away from him.

"No fun, i wanted to see him get jealous."

"Lotor you really need a hobby, that does not involve people."


You slice at the sentries in front of you making a path for pidge to hack the computers. "Getting intel."

"Hurry up pidge, more fart knocking robots are coming." You stifle a laugh.

"Okay, you and lance need to stop going on missions together."

"Oh come on, that was funny. Besides we give each other advice."

"Advice on what?" More sentries came in shooting at you, you dodge them and strike each one of them.

"Almost done, pidge?"

"Got it." The ship started to power down and so did the sentries.

"Let's get out of here."

Galra soldiers blocked the door, "oh great." They each attack you, pidge uses her Bayard to shock one but he wasn't down yet. You swing your sword at the others head, he dodged and kicked your legs from under you. Landing on your back, he's on top of you with a dagger to your neck. "(Y/n)." Pidge  kicks the soldier off of her and wraps her Bayard around the one on top of you and sends him flying into the other one. "Thanks pidge."

"Any time."
Finally making it back to her lion, you set off the bombs that you had planted.

"Woah! Mission accomplished." Pidge cheered.
Back at the castle you both greet your boyfriends.
"Did you have any trouble?" Keith asked.

"Nah we had girl power." You flex your arms.

"My little fighter." He smiled as he ruffled your hair.

After the finest dinner, fit for a king, you walk to your room with a full a belly. Rubbing it as you hum, "that was delicious. Made me sleepy."
You plop on your bed and before you can get comfy a knock came to your door. "Ugh." You sigh. Heaving yourself up to open the door, you find Keith. "Hi." You perk up. 

"Hey." He smiled. You let him in and sit down on the bed.

"Want to take a nap with me?"

You lay your head on his chest, and rest on your hand on his stomach. He holds it tightly as he strokes your hair with the other. You hum as you try to push into him more. He rubs your back and kisses your head.
"I really like that."


"When you kiss my head."

"Yeah? What about here." He pulled you up and kisses your nose.

"Haha that's cute." Then he kisses your cheek.

"and there?"


"And here?" He kisses your jaw near your ear.

You sigh, "yeah."

"What about here." His kisses your lips tenderly. Then pulled away.
You look at him with a gentle smile and half open eyes. "Yeah." You breathe out.

"Someone looks tired." He laughed.

"No." You shake your head, but before you knew it, it was on the pillow and everything went dark blissfully.

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