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After a week of lotor being the new emperor, he officially left team voltron and went back to his own reality to share the news with the rest of the galra.
That meant that team voltron would have to get back to their own reality too.

"(Y/n) you've been such a great help with defeating zarkon. We can't thank you enough. And this is hard for me to say, but, we have to take you home and go back to our reality." Allura twiddled her fingers.

"I don't want to."

"You said you would once the galra were defeated."

"Yeah but so much has happened. Keith and I- we."

"I know. I haven't talked to him yet." She tucked a hair behind her ear nervous about the whole thing.
"I'm staying with (y/n)." You hear behind you.

"Keith." You hug him.

"Keith, you can't. You're not from this reality."

"So what. I don't want to be in a reality without her." He gripped your hand lightly.

"Princess. Let him do what he wants." Shiro came in.

"But what if we still need him?"

"I need (y/n). Where she goes I go." Keith declared.

"Exploring space was awesome and I helped save the galaxy, I got lots of pictures with you guys so I won't forget you. My family probably misses me or thinks I'm dead. I miss them so much."

"I've prepared a lunch for you guys." Hunk said with tears in his eyes.

"Awe hunk don't cry, I'm sure we will see each other again."

"Yeah of course we will." He lets out tears on lances shoulder.

"Eww hunk." He shrieks.

"I can modify red with the same trans reality abilities to travel through rips in reality. So you can visit whenever you want." Pidge pushed her glasses up her nose and gave a little sniffle.

"Pidge I'm gonna miss you." You squeeze her in a tight hug and everyone joined in.

Once you had everything packed, food for the trip, altean clothes from Allura to remember her, tech from Pidge, and lots more selfies with everyone. You and Keith climbed into red with heavy hearts.
"We'll see each other again soon." You call out. Hunk was bawling like a baby on lances shoulder, so was coran. Pidge and Allura seemed to hold it together for a while, and Shiro had a sad smile as he waved.

"Ready to go home?"


In the distance you saw an orb that looked blue and green. As it got closer you knew it was your home planet.
You come into earths orbit and break through the atmosphere. "Haha the earth is round. Up yours flat earthers. Dumbass idiots."

"Who thought the earth was flat?"

"Lots of stupid people."
You saw the brilliant blue ocean and your heart tingled.

"Wow earth is beautiful from up here." You gasp.

"Where's your house?"

"(Whatever your address is lol)"
He puts it into the computer and red pilots there as you cuddle in his seat the rest of the way.
The city soon came into view then your street and finally your home. Red lands in the backyard and shakes the ground as she does. Your family comes to investigate and are amazed and terrified at the giant metal beast before them.

"Ma can I shoot it?" Your brother says.

"No we don't know what it wants. Don't harm it."

"Is this some nasa crap come here to wipe us out?" Your dad says.

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