His death

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There might be some spoilers, just as a heads up if you haven't seen the newest season.

"Alright everyone, there are three planets that need to be our ally's in the fight. Go in teams." Princess Allura ordered.

You grab onto Keith's arm, "team red."
Pidge and lance teamed up, and hunk was with shiro. That left lotor out.
"May I join you and Keith?"


"Teams in order, shiro, you guys are going to novaga. Lance, orina. Keith, keruk."

When you got to the little blue planet the people were immediately scared of lotor.
"I implore you to listen to us. We are here to help you, join us in the defeat against zarkon." He spoke kindly. The planets leader was thinking it over when a ship entered the atmosphere.
"Oh no."

"It's galra."

"Everyone get somewhere safe. Let us handle this." Lotor told them.
Only three soldiers jumped from the ship, you realize it's lotors ex generals.
"Prince lotor, we've come to bring you back to the empire."

"Send my regards, I won't be going back." He wielded his sword ready for a fight.
You each fought one, you fight the spunky pink one; Ezor. She was fast and agile, she knocks you to the ground, and pulls out a ball of some kind. You stand to dodge it but lotor jumped in front of it.
Suddenly you're on the ground with a weight around you, opening your eyes you see that you're against lotor. Your head is against his chest, your arms are at your sides as you feel his around your back.

"Oh look at that, I caught them both." Ezor said.
You were trapped in a net. You try to wiggle free and feel a stick wedge it's way into your armpit.
"Damnit. Ow." You try to get your sword but your arms are bound to your sides.
"Hold on." Lotor managed to throw himself so that he was now on his back and you lay on top of him. He shifted underneath you to adjust to your weight and you felt something poke your stomach.
"Um, lotor." You said annoyed and slightly embarrassed.

"I did not intend for this to happen."

You try to wiggle free but no luck.
"Don't bother, this netting is lined with titanium. We can't get out without help." He sighs.

"Fuck. Shiro, guys we need help we're under attack." You call into your com.

"Don't worry, (y/n), on our way." Said shiro.
Keith was trying to fight off all three, but the big one, zethrid ran toward you and picked you up and over her shoulder.
"I got him lets go."

"We don't need her do we?"

"Is she the one that killed Sendak?"

"Yes, zarkon will want her too. Let's go." Acxa ordered. Keith was bonded by a net as well before they took off with you and lotor.
"No, let them go."

The other Paladins get there as they are leaving and fight with them in the sky. Fighters scrambled towards them making way for the ship to escape.
"Their getting away." Shouted lance.

"They have (y/n) and lotor." Said pidge.

"Where's Keith?" Asked shiro.

"I'm down here, tied up."
They go down to help Keith and the kerukens.
"Man only you would manage to get caught in a net." Lance teased him.

"Shut up, (y/n) and lotor got caught too, we need to save them."

"We will, just calm down first." Shiro held his shoulder.

The net was let loose and you fall to the floor, when you look up you see zarkon's pretty self again.
"Oh god, your ugly mug again." You roll your eyes, but fear made you tremble.

"You insolent little bug, how were you able to kill both Sendak and Haggar?" His voice boomed.

"Because they were weak."

"You shall bare witness to your own demise, the Druids will have their way with you."
Lotor sprung into action brandishing his blade and head strong toward zarkon. His guards block him, but he cuts through them easily. You join in the fight as more come to protect their emperor. Zarkon sat on his throne and watched as you both fought.
As you grow weak, you start to lose hope that the others would get there on time.

You prayed for Keith's safety, "please at least save him." You thought to yourself. Your snapped from your thoughts when thrown to the floor, blood sprays from your mouth as you feel your insides burning with pain. Hands are around your neck, you look to lotor who is now fighting his father. "Prevail lotor, take him down." You whimper out as you slowly fall unconscious.

An ion blast breaks through the ship, some are pulled into the vacuum of space. The red lion plugged up the hole with its nose and Keith comes out and takes you into his arms.
"Please be alive, please. (Y/n) open your eyes." He cried out. He looks over at lotor and zarkon, still slugging it out. He takes a blaster and shoots at zarkon in aid to lotor. He dodges most shots, and managed to swing at lotor and cut deep into his back. Keith continued to fire, knocking him back from lotor; who laid on the ground. Zarkon is now on his knees, and just when he thought lotor was done for, he jumps up and takes a final swing at zarkon and cuts his head off. It rolled from his body as it dropped with a thud.

Lotor stood with pride and looked at the rest of the soldiers that still lived.
"Zarkon is dead, bow to your new emperor."
They did as they were told.

The three of you make it back the castle, you and lotor were put into healing pods. Everyone waited for you to wake up. Lotor was out first, and everyone questioned him.
"Oh please don't shout at me, I just woke up." He groaned.

He looks to you, still sleeping in the pod. "She took quite a beating." He looked to the ground, feeling defeated in a way.

"Go get some food, lotor." Said Allura. Everyone else soon left except for Keith, he stayed until you woke up. When you finally did, he cried.
"I thought you were a goner, I was so worried." He held you against his chest.

"The only thing I thought of was the fact that you were safe." You weakly say.

"(Y/n)." He held you tighter.


You join the others in the bridge after eating, they rejoice in your recovery.
"Zarkon is really dead?"

"Yes, I killed him. With Keith's help of course."

"Wow, I can't believe it. Now what?"

"Now we build the empire a new, fostering in peace."

** woah! Zarkon is dead yay!! Now what will happen with no more threat to the Galaxy? Will lotor leave team Voltron to rule the galra empire? Will reader go back home? Or will a new threat make its way to stopping their peaceful rain? Find out next time in Crimson lovers.**

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