New life

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You wake up in a cold sweat, remembering what the galra did to you, and thinking about what they could have done while you were unconscious. You look at your arm that was bandaged up, recoiling at the pain that resides in your mind. That strange purple lightning was the last thing you remember, you knew it was the Druids.
You decided to get some food to help forget. Grabbing your phone and heading out the door to the kitchen, the castle was quiet as everyone slept at this late hour. Making it into the kitchen you turn on the lights, opening the fridge you see the same green goop you chocked down earlier.

"Ugh they don't have much food in space do they?" You groan. The lights suddenly turn off.

"Ah, what the hell?" You use the flash light on your phone to navigate around the room to the light switch; when you felt something touch your foot. "what was that?" You jump and press your back to the wall and slide down until you touch the floor. Aiming the light in front of you, a group of colorful mice stood.
"awe, they even got the mice right. Come here little ones." They scurrying up to you and sniff your hand, the lights come back on and they flee.
"(Y/n)?" You turn to see Keith.

"Oh, Keith. Hi."

"What are you doing in here in the dark?"

"I was hungry, and the lights just shut off, and the mice scared me so I fell." You ramble. He extends his hand to you, grabbing it he pulls you up. You freeze and grip tighter as you remember Sendak grabbing you and cutting your arm. You've never experienced being cut like that, the pain and watching blood pool out of your limb terrified you.

"(Y/n)." You blink and look up at him then at your intertwined arms, your nails digging into his skin.

"Sorry." You murmur.

"Are you okay?" He worried.
You shake your head as tears start to well up.
"You're okay now, you're safe here." He slowly wrapped his arms around you, sighing at his embrace you push your face into his chest.
"Come on, let's get back to bed." He held his hand against you shoulder and took you to your room.

"Um, Keith." You look up at him with pleading eyes.

"Would you like me to stay with you for a bit?"

He sat down next to your bed and rested his arms on it. Your hair was tied in a tight bun, you let it down to rest your head against the wall. As it cascades down to the middle of your back, Keith is in awe.
"Your hair." He spoke.

"What about it?" You ask as you play with it.

"It's so bright. Is that your natural color?"

"Ha sadly no, I dyed it." You giggle.

"It's really pretty." He blushes slightly.

"Thanks, red is my favorite color so why not dye it Crimson."

" ah, I see." He marveled at you for a second until he realized his staring and looked away. A light tint came to his face.
"You're probably still pretty tired from what happened, I'll let you rest."

"You did a lot of fighting, you need sleep too." You say as he stands up.

"Yeah, sleep well, (y/n)."

"Good night, Keith."

The next morning, you tie your chemically enhanced Crimson locks into a messy bun on top of your head, then splash water on your face.

You enter the kitchen to see everyone already there.  Only two seats left, one by lance on the end, and by pidge on the other end. Lance was shining his pearly whites with a big smile, you roll your eyes and walk around to sit next to pidge.

"Aw come on." He pouted as he sunk into his seat.

"Stop being a creep, lance."

"Why don't you stop being, a, a mullet wearing freak." He spat.

"Nice one you come up with that over night?"

"Alright you two, knock it off."

"Shiro is pretty much the dad figure of the group." Pidge whispers to you.

"I know, the fandom calls him space dad. Allura is the mom figure, right."

"Um, I would think so. I kind of think shiro might have a thing for her." Pidge smiles.

"Oh, I see that happening." Your fan girl eyes sparkle as you ship shiro and Allura in your head.
Shiro looked down at you from across the table as if he felt you talking about him, his eyes saying 'watch what you say.' Or something like that. You smirk and then stick your tongue out, he rolled his eyes and continued to eat his goo.

You were in the training deck doing some work outs. Keith came in to do some training.
"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Pilates. What are you doing?"

"I was going to train with a robot."

"Oh that sounds fun."

You both hold swords as a robot drops from the ceiling. "Training sequence, level one." Said a voice.

"Epic." You say as it charges at Keith. He parried the attack and rolled away. It comes at you, clashing your sword against its arm. You kick its legs out from under it, falling to the ground you stab it right in the chest.
"Training sequence, level one complete."

"That was awesome." You jumped.
You went a few more rounds until they got to strong for you and you got thrown across the room hitting the wall and knocking you out.

You woke up just as you were coming out of a healing pod. Everyone was there to greet you.
"What happened?"

"You got knocked out after fighting level 5." Said pidge.

"That was amazing I've never seen anyone fight like that for their first time." Said Keith.

"Oh, well I've taken some tai Kwon do, and moi tai. I knew what I was doing." You smiled a cocky grin.

"You could be an excellent fighter to help us defeat zarkon." Shiro patted you on the shoulder.

"Hell yeah."

"Hold on, what about your family? They must be worried sick about you." Said Allura.

"If I can make sure that galra scum never touch on earth again, then I'm willing to never see them until then."

"Yeah (y/n), is on team voltron." Lance fist pumped the air.
Hunk joined in "woah!"

"Alright, coran, make a suit for (y/n), she won't be a paladin but she can help in anyway she can."

"Yes, Princess."

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