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*Second Chapter is in! I added a link to the song I was listening to while I was writing this chapter if you wanna listen while you read. I feel like the song fits the chapter pretty well. Enjoy! ^_^

There was no time to think as her eyes watch the angry flames consume the building. It was an unnaturally windy day; perfect if you wanted a fire to spread.

A metallic ring fills the air as (Y/N) draws her blades and her feet swiftly carry her to the burning building, "Ryū ga kowareta mono o fukugen suru!" With the ancient incantation, a golden spirit dragon hurdles towards the burning building, intent on putting out the already raging flames.

Screams of terror fill her ears as villagers rush out of their homes to watch in horror as the building continues to burn despite (Y/N)'s efforts.

As the dragon works to extinguish the flames, she turns her attention to the three Shimada men, only to find them driving away in their car.

It's then that she realizes this is merely just a warning of what is to come should she continue to refuse the Shimada clan. Looking back, she also realizes they'd specifically chosen which building to strike; as it was their temple. The temple was the most sacred place in the village and the dragon of the East wind is quickly losing the battle against the flames.

"Cowards", she curses them under her breath as she sheathes her blades. 

The villagers surround her frantically. She can feel the terror in their gazes; feels them pleading for guidance.

She's failed them today and she knows it. Her heart falters at this realization. Had she stupidly assumed herself and the village invincible? Or perhaps she'd never considered something this horrible could ever happen to such peaceful people.

"Gomen'nasai," she whispers to them quietly, her head lowered in shame.

"(Y/N)!!" the voice of Daiki pulls her from her miserable thoughts. "There are people inside!"

She wastes no more time, fearlessly rushing into the first building that had caught fire, helping those trapped inside to escape. The smoke burns her lungs and the heat is unbearable, but she cannot falter further. Not again. Not twice in the same day. Her body is filled with rushing adrenaline.

She retrieves several people from the building before the distinct sound of a child's weeping meets her ear. (Y/N) quickly follows it, finding a young girl surrounded by flames in the corner. She cannot call the Eastern dragon to help with this, as it is already working to contain the fires elsewhere and there's no time to turn back for further assistance.

There's only one thing to do. She braces herself, staring at the flames as if though they would recede beneath her very gaze, and, without really thinking it through, she leaps over the flames. (Y/N) swiftly picks up the child, who is beginning to lose consciousness from smoke inhalation.

She eyes the flames again and leaps without hesitation. However, because of the child's extra weight, she is unable to reach the height she had before and the edge of her yukata catches the flames. She quickly sheds the outer layer of clothing and runs towards the exit as fast as her legs would allow.

Once outside, the child is quickly taken from her. It's only then that the adrenaline begins to fade and a cough rises in her throat. She becomes aware of the burning pain in her legs near where her clothing had caught fire.

She looks to see that the Eastern dragon had nearly contained all the flames. A sudden wave of nausea hits her and her vision blurs as the building she had just saved the child from comes crashing down behind her -the force of which is enough to knock her down to the ground. As her head hits the cold Earth, her vision and consciousness blacken.

* * * * * *

As (Y/N) wakes the next morning, a groan rises from her throat. Her entire body feels drained of energy. She begrudgingly opens her eyes to find Daiki looking over her worriedly.


"Dai-", her voice cracks and she cannot even find the strength to speak her cousin's name.

Memories of the day before flood her mind and she looks away. "I've failed them," she thinks.

"Thank goodness you're okay. I'll tell the others!"

Before she can do anything to protest, Daiki runs from the room, leaving her with her own thoughts. (Y/N) stares at the ceiling, thinking of all she could have done differently. She should have never underestimated the Shimada; they were infamous for a reason. She continues to self-deprecate until Daiki renters with a cup of water and an entourage of elders.

"Arigato," she thanks Daiki for the water and weakly sits up, looking at the elder's stern faces.

The head of the elders steps forward, a scroll in hand. "We are all relieved to see you well, Hogo-sha," he bows very slightly. "We are also anxious to share with you what we've discovered." He offers (Y/N) the scroll.

(Y/N) takes it gingerly and careful unrolls the old parchment. The text is so old, it feels as though it would crumble if she moved too quickly with it.

She begins to read:

There shall come a day when the Temple of the East and West shall fall in a great Autumn fire. That day will mark the beginning of a new era for all four dragon spirits. No longer shall the dragons be divided, for there will be a war brewing; a war unlike any other. We have foreseen this and, for this reason, on the day the Temple falls, the Hogo-sha and the Hira's protection extends far beyond that of the village. They shall now be charged with protecting the world.

*Hooo boy. As if (Y/N) didn't already have enough on her shoulders.
*Thanks for reading. If it isn't too much trouble, please vote and to let me know if you enjoyed! Votes encourage me to write more.
*Also, I promise there will be some Shimada bros in the next chapter. ;)

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