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"You're coming with us to Shimada Castle. We'll clear this up."

Daiki crosses his arms before I can even respond to Hanzo. "You can't boss (Y/N)-san around!"

Genji snorts in amusement. Hanzo raises a brow and looks as if he's about to scold Daiki. I quickly speak up before that can happen.

"I am going to see him off safely. If you are insistent that I go with you, then you'll wait until then."

Daiki whines, "I wanted to see more of Hanamuraaaaa."

"..." I sigh. How can I deny him that? He's never been allowed out of the village like this.

Genji grins, bending down to Daiki's height. "I know the best places in town! What do you want to see?"

"Everything!" Daiki blurts, excited.

Genji looks up to me,"I could take him around town while you and Hanzo go clear things up with Dad."

"Absolutely not. You are only trying to avoid punishment from father." Hanzo shakes his head disapprovingly.

I look over to Daiki, who is looking up to me with huge, pleading eyes. For some reason, I feel I can trust Genji and I know nothing would make Daiki happier at the moment. "...Actually, I believe that's a fine idea."

"Yosh!!" Daiki jumps up and down in a burst of excitement before hugging my waist tightly.

Genji grins. "Let's go!" He runs off before Hanzo can protest further, Daiki at his heels.

And so, I'm left alone in an alley with Hanzo. And he's clearly pissed at me.

I break the silence. "I don't exactly know the way..."

He doesn't answer, only pushing past me with his arms crossed. I follow him onto the sidewalk.

"Genji is irresponsible and you trust him with such an impressionable, young boy?"

I shrug slightly. "Daiki needs a chance to be irresponsible for once."

We walk in silence for a while.

After a bit, I dare to glance over to the young man walking next to me. He's supposedly my age, but his stern expression and cold eyes make him look so much older. "...Have you ever considered that, perhaps, being constantly punished for minuscule things causes Genji to lash out and rebel more?" I let the question slip despite my better judgment.

"You know nothing of our family." Hanzo snaps at me. "Do not assume you do."

"Tch." I scoff. "I know siblings."

Hanzo looks as if he's just remembered. "Where is your sister? Back at your village?"

My feet halt in slight surprise at the question. It's been a long time since someone has spoken about her as if she's still alive. God, I wish it were that simple. I wish she was just back home tending to her patients.  "She...-My sister is dead," I answer with my head lowered, causing my (H/C) hair to conceal my face.

I hear Hanzo's footsteps halt slightly ahead of me. I feel his eyes on me as he turns. "...I see," is all he says before he continues walking.

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