Growing Resent

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Sorry this took a while. (Typical of me, I know. I'm sorryyy)! I threw a lot more responsibility on my plate this semester, so I just won't be able to update on a weekly schedule as I would like. To make up for this, though, I am going to start making chapters longer when I'm able. Hope you all enjoy! <3

Morning light seeped through cracks in the shōji door, gradually growing brighter as the sun rose until it shined upon (Y/N)'s face. Her eyes fluttered open slowly and she habitually stretched her arms out above her head as she yawned. Hogo and Hīrā began to stir as well, having been curled up on each side of her.

For a while, she tiredly stared up at the ceiling, her mind not quite awake. Her body felt extremely heavy, though that was hardly a surprise due to the fact she had used Hīrā's healing in such large extent the night before. Then it hit her: Daiki! The recollection of her injured cousin was enough to bring the Hogo-sha immediately to her feer.

It was then she noticed that she was still dressed in the same yukata as the day before. Though now, it was crumpled and loose from sleep. Come to think of it, she could not recall coming to her room at all. Her brows furrowed, trying to remember, but to no avail.

The last thing she recollected was sitting by Daiki's bedside with Hanzo and-... (Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat as she considered the possibility that Hanzo had carried her to bed. Her face quickly flushed pink as her hands covered her face. She vainly hoped that she was just too tired to remember walking, but it did little to curb her embarrassment.

She paced in her room a bit, thinking of ways to avoid the eldest Shimada today; the two dragons nipped at her feet impatiently, both wanting to start the day. (Y/N) sighed, reluctantly deciding that she could not simply hide in her room forever.

Dressing in a simple, dark purple yukata, (Y/N) slipped on her shoes as she headed out, determined to check on Daiki immediately.

She found him laying where she left him, fast asleep. The healers assured her that he was fine, settling the worry within (Y/N)'s heart. Still, it was strange seeing the boy lie so still, seeing as he is always so full of energy.

(Y/N) soon felt several familiar figures darken the doorway, turning to see the village elders gathered there, and immediately bowing low. "Ohayōgozaimasu," she greeted them formally.

They all nodded in acknowledgment, one promptly speaking up, "it is time for you to return to Hanamura, along with the Shimadas."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened with outrage, but she quickly caught herself and resumed a blank expression. "With all due respect, I do not see why-"

"We received word this morning that the one who took Sensei from us has been apprehended. He is being held at Shimada castle," she was cut off with a sharp explanation.

A turmoil of emotions hit (Y/N) at once, but she was in the presence of her elders and, thus, her expression did not falter. "I see...when Daiki has risen, I will-"

"You will go now. The matter is urgent."

(Y/N) bit anxiously at the inside of her lip, glancing back at her sleeping cousin. "H-..hai," she bowed obediently.


As soon as the door to her room concealed her, (Y/N) released the wave of emotions she'd bottled, fueling her to kick her bed in frustration. Her village needed her, had suffered great losses without her, and, yet, the elders insisted on sending her away once more.

Her eyes fell upon the floor, eyeing shreds of what had once been the scroll that had prophecized her journey to Hanamura. She recalled her last conversation with Sensei and guilt filled her for destroying the precious document. He never once disagreed with his fellow elders, at least not publicly, so is this what he would want? For her to adhere to some prophecy and leave her village exposed once again?

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