Autumn Lights

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A/N: Oof it's been a while and I have absolutely no excuse. Ahhhahah well, I'm sure my writing style has adjusted in the meanwhile but I'm still proud of this fic so I want to attempt to continue it. I never really meant to abandon it. Please enjoy! <3

Genji is wide-eyed and taken aback as he opens the door to find (Y/N) and his brother standing there. "Uh oh...-I don't know I what I did, but I promise it wasn't my fault."

Hanzo's brow furrows.

"We are not here to reprimand you, Genji-san...-though I would like to apologize for my harsh words the last time we spoke--though, that's not the reason either." She looks expectantly at Hanzo, who promptly clears his throat.

"We are going to the festival you mentioned. You may come if you want." Hanzo gruffly manages—not very graceful, but a start, at least.

Genji blinks, his expression confused as if he isn't sure he's dreaming or not. But slowly, a smile creeps upon his face. "Yosh! I'm totally down! I'm starving anyway—you're paying for dinner, right brother?" He teases with a grin as the three of them make their way to the castle's exit.

It appears Hanzo was about to emit some snide retort, but (Y/N)'s warning gaze seems to convince him otherwise. He merely grunts.

(Y/N) seems satisfied with this. "Well, then. It's settled."

"Have you ever tried taiyaki, (Y/N)? Or takoyaki? Or unagi? Ooh or yakitori?" Genji questions her.

She merely shakes her head, a soft smile remaining on her lips. "I haven't. There isn't much variety in our village, as we must grow and catch whatever we eat."

"Well. You have to try it all! I hope you have your pockets lined, brother!" Genji laughs.

"I will only be purchasing for (Y/N). You have your allowance, Genji." Hanzo doesn't skip a beat.

Genji pouts, but there's a certain glimmer in his eyes. "Oooohh. I see. So I'm just a third wheel here to make things less awkward."

"—a third..wheel?" (Y/N) shoots Genji a confused expression, which prompts a laugh from him. Hanzo doesn't look pleased (what's new?).

"You know it is not that way, Genji. Do not ruin this."

(Y/N) sighs slightly—it's rather inconvenient being unable to understand certain slang. She makes a mental note to learn.

"You have upset her," Hanzo glares at Genji.

(Y/N) blinks, "'s not that." Hanzo was being defensive—it prompts a soft laugh from her. "I can pay for myself. There's no need to cater to me."

Hanzo may have tried to argue with her on this; however, her attention is completely taken aback as they reach the festivities. Bright autumn colors and decorations adorn the street, which is currently blocked off from traffic so that people can walk freely about the stalls and displays. The sun was just beginning to set, so several stalls have switched on string lights to attract customers like moths to a flame. She had never seen anything like it—nor smelled, for that matter. The air was laced was mouth-watering aromas, some savory and some sweet depending on the nearby stalls. People walked the streets in both modern and traditional clothing alike. Even some visiting foreigners, it seemed, have opted to wear kimonos.

Genji's chuckle pulls (Y/N) from her splendid haze, "You okay, (Y/N)?"

To both the brother's surprise, (Y/N) joins Genji in his laughter. "You were right, Genji-san. I needed this." Fueled by her awe and excitement, and perhaps without really thinking, (Y/N) grabs Hanzo's arm, pulling him along with her. "Let's try this!"

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