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*As always, sorry for the wait! Summer break is fast approaching though, so I should have bundles of time to write freely in a few weeks! Thank you all for your support!! ❤️

A solemn air hung about Shimada castle the following day. Sojiro remained confined to his study, Genji was nowhere to be seen, and Hanzo went about his typical routines In solitude.

(Y/N) had no idea where to even begin. The brothers already seem to be so far apart, but it couldn't be too late for them, could it? She sighed, staring up at the ceiling from her bed, not having caught a single wink of sleep the entire night.

She needed to clear her head if she intended on operating in any form today. Before she even realized it, her bare feet met the beach sand. (Y/N) found her way to the hidden cove Hanzo had introduced her to. She perches upon a large rock, crossing her legs. She rests her hands, palms up, on her knees, welcoming in the rejuvenating energy from the crashing waves and salty air.

She was not long into her mediation before she sensed the presence of another, recognizing it immediately as Hanzo. (Y/N) recalls her last words to him during her outburst in the car. "...I understand you know?" She notes calmly, her eyes still closed, "as older siblings, we do our best to keep our younger counterparts out of trouble, but...But sometimes, we do not always know best."

She is met with no response, only the roar of distant waves meeting her ears. "Years ago, there was a great plague that wreaked havoc upon my village. As the Hīra, my little sister was tasked with trying to find the cure or, at the very least some sort of preventative care that could prevent the disease from spreading."

"She was brilliant, so of course she managed that, but there was no hope for those already afflicted. They simply...wasted away. It broke my sister's heart. She felt helpless. And...-the preventative medicine had come too late for me," (Y/N)'s voice was afflicted with pain as she continued. "The way Hīrā's healing works...-the power is a direct connection with one's soul. The more serious an injury, the more energy it takes. And to save one directly from to sacrifice yourself."

"I was too delirious to stop her, but...when I came to my senses, my sister was gone. And I-...I was left to regret each day I did not appreciate her. She should be the one sitting here now, not me..."

She finally opens her eyes, glancing over her shoulder at Hanzo, "Will you allow yourself to continue down the same path? Will you continue to drive a stake between the two of you?"

Hanzo was completely caught off-guard by this sudden speech. He...he had honestly come to clear his head. This whole ordeal had troubled him more than he would admit to anyone. He couldn't help but note how serene (Y/N) appeared with the sea breeze gently blowing her (h/c) hair; how strong, yet vulnerable she was in her words. He had been caught with his walls down. "I am sorry for your loss, but..." He looked away, fists clenching. "What would you have me do? Allow him to do whatever he pleases and disgrace our clan?" His words were harsh, but the tone of his voice told a different story--it was soft, the sound almost overwhelmed by the waves.

(Y/N) stands, making her way over to him and standing just a few inches away. She meets his troubled gaze directly. "His aspirations are perhaps not the same as yours, Hanzo-san. Trying to extinguish those dreams will only make him resent you, " she pauses before adding, "But if you provide him with caring guidance, rather than reprimand, you'll find that perhaps you may lead him down a path that is still in line with both his dream and your goal."

"Caring guidance? I am not his mother--"

She cuts him off, "No, neither of you have that, do you? That is why it is all the more important that you fill that void. You are his older brother. At least attempt to show interest in what he enjoys before dismissing it. Build a bridge. Just one, " she holds up a finger, "just one, small exception at first."

He was irritated at her cutting him off and yet seeing her sincerity, Hanzo could not produce a single, angry word. "What sort of 'bridge'?"

(Y/N) thinks for a moment, before coming up with an idea, "go to the festival with him."

His brows furrow, "at a time such as this--"

"At a time such as this, the both of you need to distract yourselves from the horrors that have occurred, " she finishes for him.

Hanzo just stares at her for a moment, again wanting to criticize her for concerning herself with something that is not her business, but... "...-the same could be said for you." He notes, finally.

(Y/N) she raises her brows; it was her turn to be caught off-guard. But he was right. If she expected him to listen to her, she could not be hypocritical. "Very well. Then I will go as well. Shall we find Genji-san?"

"...-he is likely already out somewhere he should not be," Hanzo replies bitterly.

(Y/N) walks past him with a sigh, "Another thing, Hanzo-san: do not always assume the worst of your brother. It does no good for either of you."

Hanzo's brows furrow at this, turning to follow her. "He has given me no reason to assume otherwise."

"He has," she retorts, "but you tend not to see the good in him because of your assumptions."

After this, the two walk back towards the castle in relative silence. Hanzo was mildly annoyed and (Y/N) was determined.

Although Hanzo insists he's probably already taken off, (Y/N) makes him lead her to Genji's bedroom. Sure enough, the sounds of a video game emanate from inside. (Y/N) sends Hanzo an accomplished smirk before knocking at his door.

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