A Dragon's Grief

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* Soooo...apologies are definitely in order!! I'm sorry for my lengthy, unannounced hiatus ahhh! Life kinda hit me like a freight train, to be honest, but I missed writing this story and I'm proud of it. I hope y'all will stick with me as I continue it! Best wishes! <3

Against her will, (Y/N)'s eyes filled with tears as she read the name on the handkerchief. Of course, she suspected it. But to have it validated...

Her sensei was murdered because she was not there to protect him.

"....I will contact father, " Hanzo noted, setting the cloth back on the kotatsu and stepping out to make a call.

"(Y/N)..., " Genji started, but he wasn't sure what to say. What could he say? 'sorry my evil maniac of an uncle killed your mentor?' Somehow, he didn't think that while be helpful.

Even if he had wanted to say anything, (Y/N) had slipped out of the room before he could have.


Anger and grief are a dangerous combination of emotions, leading to the desire of only one thing: vengeance. (Y/N) could almost envision her blades slicing away at that snake of a man. She'd never felt so out of control in all her life and the man who had always been there to rein her back in was gone forever.

She found solace in her room, locking the door tightly. She couldn't handle any disturbance right now.

To top it all off, she couldn't help but think this was all her fault. If she'd only been here...Ginjiro would never have even had the chance to step foot in the village. But she wasn't there. And why? Because of some prophecy? (Y/N)'s hands reached into her bag, gripping the scroll harshly and pulling it out. She glared down at the roll of parchment as though it was the very embodiment of all her problems.

Gritting her teeth, she crumpled up the paper, ripping it to shreds as tears flowed down her cheeks.
She was supposed to be a guardian: a protector...
And yet she couldn't even keep the ones she cared for alive.

An anguished sob escaped her as she tossed the decimated shreds to the floor; they slipped from her fingers just the way everyone she'd ever loved had.

(Y/N) collapsed on her bed, curling up tightly and covering her face with trembling hands as if to block out the world around her. She just wanted to shut it all out. The guilt...the grief...the frustration and anger...she didn't want to feel. But some emotions are too strong for even a Great Dragon to face.

She had not cried like this since the day she lost her sister. Hīrā curled up next to her, attempting to offer solace with a calming golden light. Meanwhile, Hogo stood on-guard at the end of the bed: ready to protect (Y/N) from anything that might offer her harm in this weakened state.

A soft, low growl escaped the violet dragon as he sensed a presence outside the door. Hogo promptly jumped down from the bed, ready to attack.

(Y/N) froze, mind panicked as a knock came from the door. She cleared her throat, doing everything within her power to keep her voice from cracking, "Who is there?" Her arms gently held Hīra close to her chest for comfort, prompting soft purring from the golden dragon.

Mostly, she was mortified at the idea of someone discovering her current state. But somewhere deep within, she longed for the comfort of another. Her broken heart wanted nothing more than to be mended. She hadn't had that since...well, she could only vaguely recall her grandparent's comforting her after a nightmare once. (Y/N) had never really let anyone in—not even her sister.

"I—...wanted to inform you that Father has ensured that the situation will be handled," a familiar, gruff voice came from outside. Any hope for comfort shattered in that instant. Hanzo was like her; he didn't let people in and he certainly wasn't the comforting sort.

"...thank you."

"Perhaps it is not the best time...but I did wish to clear my mind," the elder Shimada lingered by the door. Conflicting emotions filled his chest. If he were in her shoes, he'd want to be left alone, but...he also knew of that secret, painful desire for comfort. "...-where is it that you meditate?"

Silence filled the gap between them and, just as Hanzo was about to turn away, the door slowly slid open.

(Y/N) stood before him, stilled dressed her mourning clothes (a simple, black yukata), her (H/C) hair slightly disheveled and hiding her face. She refused to make eye contact with him. Compared to the fierce presence she usually held, she seemed so small in the moment. "...I'll show you," she finally answered quietly, her voice wavering despite her best efforts, "I-...I owe you the favor."

She led on, actively avoiding villagers as they walked, often ducking around buildings to do so. (Y/N) simply didn't want to be noticed, but Hanzo certainly did. And he started to admire it despite himself...he related to it...-to her.

Hanzo would be lying if he said (Y/N) didn't intrigue him. She'd piqued his interest the moment she grabbed his wrist the day they met —no one had ever been that brazen toward him. Most people avoided him. And yet, even when she refused to be seen by others, she allowed him in.

"This is it," she told him in a soft voice as they approached a vast lake

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"This is it," she told him in a soft voice as they approached a vast lake. (Y/N) lead him to the very edge of an old dock before lowering herself to the ground and crossing her legs. Her glassy, (E/C) eyes stared out across the expanse of the water, her expression remaining illegible as ever.

Hanzo took his spot next to her, following her gaze and being met with a breathtaking view of the setting sun. Violet and gold reflected on the water, seeming to blend in harmony with the sky: like the way (Y/N)'s soul remained ever-entwined with her sister's.

The moment Hanzo's presence settled next to her, (Y/N) was suprised to find her soul seemed to settle. It would have been easy to brush off, given the serenity of their surroundings, but... She snuck a glance over at the eldest Shimada, only to find his eyes already on her. Her lips parted in surprise and both looked away immediately.

"I-...," (Y/N) attempted to start an explanation, but decided to change the subject instead, "....it's certainly not the ocean, but...I hope you'll find peace here all the same."

Hanzo nodded, closing his eyes in attempt to shut away any embarrassment that might have arisen. (Y/N) followed suit, her aching heart slowly slipping into a steady beat as she focused on even breathing.

The dock was narrow, requiring a close proximity between the two, so what when (Y/N) idly moved to rest her hands on her knees, she inadvertently brushed against Hanzo's hand. Her eyes jerked open in surprise, an apology already begginning to form on her lips, but she found that Hanzo had not even so much as flinched. (Y/N) assumed he was so deep in thought, he hadn't even noticed.

But he most certainly had.

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