A Simple Challenge

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*Check the comments for translations for any Japanese terms you don't know. I usually italicize them for clarification. Enjoy! :)

The guest room the Shimadas provide me with is nice but feels vacant, as if no one has stayed in it for a very long time.

I had gone back to the hotel to gather my things and had expected Genji to be back with Daiki by then, but they had still yet to return -which is why I'm currently pacing the floors like a nervous mother.

The sun will be down soon. What if they've gotten into trouble? Genji is the son of a crime boss, after all. They surely have enemies. A pit of worry opens up at the bottom of my stomach and begins draining the color from my skin. Should I go look for them? I should, shouldn't I?

Grabbing my silk bag (which currently holds my weapons), I rush out of the room. I don't even know where to begin looking, but I hope to rely on fate to get me th-

"Mphf!" Not paying attention and in a hurry, I run straight into someone and consequently lose my balance. My not-so-graceful decent to the hard floor is stopped short by a strong pair of hands.

I meet the stern eyes of Hanzo Shimada.

My heart sinks in embarrassment. I really need to start paying more attention to my surroundings. "Ah-..!" I quickly regain my balance. "Gomen'nasai," I start to bow slightly but find Hanzo's hands still on my arm. I send him an inquisitive look. He's just...staring at me?

Meeting my eyes, he seems to snap out of it and quickly releases me. "You should be more careful," he says as more of a command than a concern.

"My mind was...occupied. Have Genji and Daiki returned yet?"

He shakes his head.

"Ah-...where...do you think they might be?"

"Beginning to get worried?" He raises a cocky brow,"This is precisely why I was against it."

I grit my teeth, but before I can respond, the sound of distant, familiar laughter meets my ears. Daiki. I rush past Hanzo towards the giggling.

I faintly hear Hanzo's footsteps following quickly behind me as I hurry.

We find Genji and Daiki at the entrance of Shimada Castle, Daiki riding proudly atop Genji's shoulders. They both wear matching grins and my eyes meet not one, but two flashes of green. I stop in my tracks and my eyes widen as I realize. I stare in silent shock at the green mop atop Daiki's head.

"Genji what have you encouraged?!" Hanzo scolds.

"Oh come on, brother. He loves it! It's adorable!" Genji only continues to grin, bending down to let Daiki off his shoulders.

Daiki runs over to me, looking up at me with wide, excited eyes,"Do you like it, (Y/N)-san?!"

"I-...," I begin to giggle, despite my better judgment. Genji is right. It's adorable. And it makes Daiki happy, "Sensei is going to hate it," I manage through my laughter.

Daiki's eyes brighten further. He probably hasn't seen me laugh like this in his lifetime. "I know!" He grins but then pouts. "Do you think he'll make me shave it?"

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