Irrational Fear

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* As I'm writing this, I'm attending my last day of high school ever, which is crazy to me. Anyways, that being said, life is gonna be crazy for a bit, with graduation and vacation and all, so updates may slow. Or they may not. Who knows with me, haha.

There was nothing quite so refreshing as meditation; it allows me to throw my problems on the wind and provides me time to think.

And right now I'm thinking about Hanzo.

It's clear that he needs a good relationship with his brother...-especially in the case that they lose their father.

But the thing I can't shake from my mind is Hanzo's dragons. There should only be one dragon of the North. So...why does he have two?

My mind searches through everything Sensei has taught me about the Spirit dragons.

Spirit dragons are a physical representation of one's own soul. The more powerful the person, the more magnified the dragon's powers are. That also means that they're thoroughly affected by emotions.

Then it strikes me.

What if Hanzo has two dragons because his spirit was torn at some point in his life? Or perhaps there's simply two very conflicting sides to him?

I see that now: the contrast between his usual state and his meditative one.

" look much better without a scowl on your face," the thought escapes my lips and I instantly regret it.

Hanzo opens his eyes and I expect the scowl to return, but it doesn't. He just sends me a confused look, once again looking like he wants to say something but doesn't.

I sigh a bit, looking away from him. I pull my knees up and hug them to my chest, resting my chin on them. I stare out at the ocean thoughtfully.

"I'd never seen the ocean before coming to Hanamura...," I quickly change the subject, not that it would matter at this point. I've already said what I said, "I've always been drawn to water, though...I used to meditate by the lake."

"Water is a symbol of serenity. It brings peace and balance to the world," Hanzo tells me quietly.

I hadn't expected him to respond and the fact that he does somehow brings a smile to my lips. "I believe Sensei mentioned that to me once...-though those sort of teachings were focused mostly on my sister...-I was in the dōjō far more than the library."

Hanzo nods, as if knowingly. "I find it strange that father sees fit to allow Genji to go to public school. He clearly needs structure."

I shake my head. "He'll find his balance on his own. The dragon of the north wind has always been more free-spirited. It's his destiny to find his own way."

"...," Hanzo stands.

"Leaving?" I look up at him. He seems uneasy.

"Father is expecting me soon."

I nod,"I'll stay here a bit longer...-thanks for taking me here. It's nice to have a refuge from this busy city."

He nods in response before walking on.

After a few seconds, I glance back at him and I'm surprised to meet his gaze glancing back at me.

His eyes widen as our eyes meet and he jerks his head back forward.

I smile to myself. I've made a bit of progress, it seems.

* * * * *

I inevitably lose track of time and end up walking back to Shimada castle in the dark of night.

Luckily, Hīrā gladly leads me along with her golden light.

When I get back, I instantly feel uneasy.

For good reason, it seems, because a group of guards runs past me.

I instinctively follow them, wondering what could have possibly put them on such high alert.

They halt at the main entrance of Shimada castle and I peer through the group of guards, spying a long, black car.

I watch an older man being helped out of the car...his eyes are cold...colder than even Hanzo's.

I know immediately who this man is. This is the man that burned our temple. Sojiro's brother.

Anger fuels me.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look over to see Sojiro. He looks to me with a fatherly gaze.

"Calm yourself, Miss (Y/N). You must trust me to handle this."

"He could have killed-," I begin to argue.

Sojiro cuts me off with, "I know. I will take care of it."

I bite the inside of my lip as Sojiro leaves me. The guards part for him and he goes to greet his brother.

"Dad's got this, (Y/N)." Genji's voice meets my ear and I turn to him. He sends me a reassuring thumbs up. "This isn't the first time Uncle Ginjiro has caused trouble."

Hanzo appears next to him, looking grim. "And you are headed down the same path, Genji."

Genji sends his brother a hurt expression, "Yeah, and you're headed down the path of being a complete dic-"

"Boys. This is hardly the time for one of your quarrels," Sojiro scolds, now turning to us.

Sojiro's brother, Genji has called him Ginjiro, stares at me and it sends a chill down my spine. This man is not to be trifled with.

He sends a smirk my way and I realize he got what he wanted. I'm here. I'm at Shimada castle. Away from my village-

My heart sinks. The village is unprotected.

"(Y/N)?" Genji snaps me from my thoughts and I realize that I'm being led along to Sojiro's office with the four Shimada men and an entourage of guards. "You okay?"

"..." I don't answer, only looking away and hoping my worst fears are simply irrational.

* A bit of a short chapter, but we're finally gonna get some adversity going in this story. Can I get a "heck yeah!"?

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