A Clumsy Destiny

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*Boom! Double-update week! I've got a lot of inspiration right now. Enjoy!


The initial shock does not fade from my system until the Shimada brothers are nearly out of the door.

I quickly pull out my coin purse, placing money down on the table. Planning on following them, I wait until they're out of the restaurant so it's not too obvious.

Biting the inside of my lip, I slip out and attempt to blend in with the crowd as I keep my eyes on the Shimada brothers.

I really don't know exactly what I expected them to be like, maybe a couple of shady-looking criminals, but it definitely wasn't this.

I observe as they argue with each other. It reminds me of my quarrels with my own sister when I was younger. This thought sends a pang of grief toward my heart. Why had I ever argued with her? Why did I have to so vividly remember all the times I scolded her for running off and skipping afternoon meditation?

I tightly grip the strap of my bag, digging my nails into my palm as memories of my sister's death enter my mind. She was always so full of life and endearingly mischievous; watching that light fade from her eyes will haunt me for as long as I live.

"Do not cry. You are in public", it's almost as if I can hear Sensei's voice scolding me for getting emotional.

I'm so lost in thought, I barely notice at first when I bump into something or, rather, someone.

"Ah! Gomenasai!" I apologize immediately, bowing low.

"-(Y/N), right? It's no big deal."

If my heart was still in my stomach from embarrassment earlier, it just fell out of my chest. My name. That voice. I almost don't want to look up.

I slowly rise, trying to calm myself, and meet the brown eyes of the green-haired Shimada brother. Genji.

"I ah, actually wasn't paying attention to where I was going...-just trying to get anywhere that my brother isn't," he laughs, looking around to see if his brother was anywhere in sight. I notice that he's pulled the hood of the grey jacket over his bright hair, presumably to blend in with the rest of the crowd.

I'm speechless for a moment. I am not sure how I should act and I'm certainly not going to reveal my identity just yet. I suppose I'll just have to act casual. Well, as casual as a young woman from an isolated village that's been pushed into a big city for the first time can be.

Genji speaks again before I get the chance to form a coherent thought. "Look, I know you probably saw what went on back at the ramen shop." His demeanor suddenly changes from the flirtatious boy that approached me at the restaurant to something much more unsure and approachable. "And, uh, I'm going to get one hell of a punishment later, so mind helping me escape it for now?"

I raise a skeptical brow. How could he feel so comfortable asking this of me -a complete stranger? "I'm not quite sure I understand," I respond. "-...how so?"

He grins mischievously, his demeanor back to normal. "If he asks, tell him that I went that way." He points in one direction and then, pulling his hood tighter around his face, runs in the opposite direction.

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