A Sleepless Night

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* For a fresh perspective, I decided to write this next chapter in Hanzo's point of view. Enjoy!

* * Hanzo's P.O.V * *

The tension in the air is thick enough to slice with a katana.

The five of us sit around a table in father's office. (Y/N) had hesitated before sitting, seeming distant.

I can't read her expression, but her (E/C) eyes gaze harshly at my Uncle.

I have never liked Uncle Ginjiro, not even as a child. I understand that he is vital to the clan, but I cannot understand why father doesn't keep a closer watch on him.

"So, then, " Ginjiro begins, looking to my father with a sort of serpentine charisma, "I'm here for a scolding, am I?"

Father's brows knit in annoyance and frustration. "Brother. You have crossed a line this time." He pushes a stack of papers across the table to Ginjiro. "I have told you time and time again to leave the (L/N) Clan and their village be. It was never in our best interest to meddle in their affairs."

"Never in our best interest, eh?" Ginjiro scoffs leaning back comfortably. "Since when do we ever play if safe, big brother?" The disdain in his voice when he addresses my father is enough to make me want to lose my temper. But this is my father and (Y/N)'s fight. I hold my tongue.

The two argue back and forth for what seems like forever.

"You know we have always sought to-," my father begins to but (Y/N) suddenly stands.

"Forgive me, Sojiro-sama, but I refuse to sit at a table with this...serpent." Her expression is still completely illegible, but the passion in her eyes could spark a fire. "You endangered my entire village. Not only that, but you destroyed a place of sacred ground."

I notice (Y/N)'s eyes beginning to glow with a purple light. This must be the power of the Western dragon at work.

"A child was nearly engulfed in the flames! And for what? So you could intimidate me?"

My eyes shoot over to my uncle who is, unsurprisingly, unphased by (Y/N)'s wrath. Ginjiro still sits comfortably with a disgusting smirk on his face.

"Well, it certainly worked, considering you're here, so why don't we just get down to business, hm?" Ginjiro remarks coolly.

"Worked? You think I'm intimidated?" A large form of the Western dragon, Hogo (as I've heard her call it), appears next to her. He growls. "You couldn't be more wrong. No. I'm pissed. I'm no more scared of you than I am of a fly."

Ginjiro chuckles and stands. "Trust me, Miss (Y/N). I got exactly what I wanted." He waves at my father. "Sayōnara, brother."

My father stands. "You are not off the hook Ginjiro-"

Ginjiro doesn't falter, continuing to walk or of the room. "Oh please. What are you going to do? Ground me?"

"Father. Do you want me to bring him back?" I ask.

Father sighs, looking disappointed. "No, Hanzo. Let him go. I will deal with him another time...leave me to speak with Miss (Y/N)."

Genji hops up, eager to get out of the tension-filled room. He could never sit still for long.

I bow, leaving quietly.

* * (Y/N)'s P.O.V * *

"Please. Have a seat," Sojiro's calm voice reaches my ears and I sigh.

"I apologize for the outburst, but I-"

I'm cut off by my own surprise to find Sojiro Shimada's grim expression. His eyes were so...tired and pained.

I slowly sit. I see it now. The reason Hanzo and Genji's strained relationship has taken such a toll on him. He's worried they'll end up like himself and his brother.

"Do you see now why I-" He begins and I nod before he can even finish.

"I will do my best, Shimada-sama."


* * * * *

I lay in bed for hours, staring at the ornate wooden ceiling above me.

Hogo and Hīrā curl up close to me, one on each side, stealing away my body heat for themselves. They both sleep soundly, their soft purring my only comfort as Ginjiro's words ring through my head in repeated waves.

Trust me, Miss (Y/N). I got exactly what I wanted.

Each time I close my eyes, I only become more uneasy.

What is it that he wanted?

I feel I know the answer but I don't want to admit it...I don't want it to be the reality.

Much to the disliking of the dragons, I squirm my way out of bed.

My feet curl away slightly at the sensation of the cold floor. I sigh. There will be no sleep tonight.

And so, I do the only thing I've ever known to do on sleepless nights; my feet lead me to the dōjō.

I bow slightly at the tired guards as I pass, quietly sliding the shoji door open.

I feel the dragons scratching at my heels, begging me to go back to bed.

I'm immediately at home as I feel the wooden mats of the dōjō under my bare feet.

Reaching my hands up, I take a deep breath, beginning my routine stretching.

I begin running through several jiu-jitsu routines, fueling each movement with my pent-up emotions.

I reach a strange sense of serenity at this moment, focusing only on my posture and breathing.

And so, I lose track of time.

My serene is state broken only by the realization of the sun shining through the thin shoji door.

Sweat beads down my forehead in salty droplets. I needed that.

As I go to leave, I realize I am not alone. Hanzo sits in the corner of the room, meditating in front of what appears to be a shrine.

An unwilling blush rises to my cheeks. When had he gotten there...or had be been there all along?

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