Family Secrets

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*Sorry it's been a bit since I've updated. This past week or so has been the most hectic my life has been for a while. A lot went on. But anyways! I'm gonna try to make his week a double update week to make up for it! Hope you enjoy!

Hanamura a city is filled with things I've been denied my entire life without even knowing it: be it various technology or foreign foods or even simple sights such as the ocean. I am constantly fascinated by all the different personalities in the people I've come across.

I managed to find a hotel cheap enough for me to stay at for an extended time, but since it is cheap, it's regretfully in a much less refined part of town. It's the sort of area that I previously would have imagined the Shimada clan to be sanctioned in. However, I am not too worried, as I know I can defend myself well enough should the need arise.

I am on my way to find somewhere to eat, lost in thought. That is, until my ears pick up a ruckus coming from an alleyway, causing my legs to slow to a halt. I hear the clanging of metal and a strange, staticky male voice pleading for mercy.

My heart stops at the sight I am met with. Four grown men are senselessly beating a helpless omnic.

I have never met an omnic. I had never really considered the extent of certain peoples' hate for them; but seeing this violence right before my eyes, seeing this poor omnic on the ground being decimated by four men, and seeing that the omnic isn't even fighting back, my training as a Hogo-sha, a guardian, kicks in.

First: distract them.

"Stop that immediately!" I shout, my words echoing off the walls of the alley.

They stop and all turn to me suddenly. As soon as they see me, they smirk.

"And why would we? It's just a bucket of bolts. Not like it has feelings or anything, lady."

I bite the inside of my lip and take an aggressive step forward. "For your own sake, I suggest you be on your way."

They all laugh and my anger continues to rise.

I glance over to the poor omnic and I notice a few sparks flying off from areas where he had been dented. He's twitching slightly due to the malfunctions that have been caused by the beating. It breaks my heart.

I look back up and glare coldly at the four men. "The way I see it, you four are the ones without feeling." I feel the power of the Western dragon welling inside me as I approach them, but I will not use that sacred power for the like of these men. They aren't worth it.

"Lady, you'd better just be on your way if you don't want a few dents of your own."

"Tch." I grit my teeth, kneeing the man directly where I knew it would hurt him the most and, taking advantage of his shock, slamming his head against the brick wall of the alley. It's enough to knock him unconscious.

The other men spring into action, one of them pulling out a knife.

I focus on the armed man and grab his arm, attempting to pull the knife away, but this is rather difficult to do when the other two are attacking at the same time.

A flash of bright green meets the corner of my eyes and the other two men are pulled from me, both of them grunting in pain.

I get the upper hand with the knife, tossing it aside and landing a solid punch into the man's face. I know as soon as I make impact that I've broken his nose.

As the man falls limp at my feet, I turn to face Genji Shimada staring at me with a concerned expression. "Are you alright, (Y/N)-san?"

I nod, "Yes. Arigato, Genji-san." I bow low and quickly go to the omnic's aid, kneeling down to get a closer look at the damage done.

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