Chapter 1: In between

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Me: I'm scared. This is my first fan fic. do you think anyone will like it?

Jay: of course they will, its about me so everyone will love it.

Cole: ok we get it you like story about you. we have been listening to you brag sense she started to write the fanfic. plus it is about you being depressed so...

Jay; It will still be good.

Kai: ignore them. this will be great! you are a great author.

Lloyd: everyone gets nerves when they start something new, but you can talk to us about your worrys!

me: thanks guys. hope you all enjoy this fan fic!

Zane: She doesn't own Ninjago, but she owns the story!

________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1: In between

The ninja had no one to fight. No villain had showed up after the events with Nadakon. I guess you could say that they were in between battles. Jay, the blue ninja of lightning, stood alone on the deck of the bounty while everyone else was in the game room playing Fist to Face 2. He didn't remember much from the events that had just taken place with Nadakon, but he did remember the torture of the Misfortunes Keep. He had been kidnapped by Nadakon until a rescue mission ended with only Jay and Nya ascaping. Only Jay wasn't thinking of the torture. He wasn't thinking about the fact that he had gotten Nya back. He was thinking about what he had learned that the rest of the ninja (other than Nya) didn't remember.

I'm adopted. The words kept running through his head. Jay had been acting different to hid the fact that he was hurt, as usual. None of the other ninja ever picked up on it. He always told jokes to lighten the mood and couldn't help but be talkative around the others,but when he was alone, the only thing that he could think about was his first wish with Nadakon.

I'm adopted. The words wouldn't leave him alone. There had to be something he had missed in all of that. But what?

______________________________________________________________________________In the gaming room, Lloyd, the green ninja of energy, Kai, the red ninja of fire, Zane, the white/silver ninja of ice, Cole, the black ninja of earth and still a ghost, and Nya, the red and blue ninja of water, were sitting playing video games.

"Hey, has anyone seen Jay? Normally he would be here playing along with us." Nya asked. She was Kai's sister and Jay's girlfriend.

"Hey, at least we can get a break for all his stupid jokes and never shutting up nature. Though he has been more quiet recently." Kai said. The ninja all cared for each other like brothers even though Jay had a tendency to never shut up. Though recently, he had been quiet. To quiet.

"I'm not the only one who has notice how he has been acting different?" Cole asked.

"Hey cut him some slack. The last mission we went on may not have been as long as we would have expected, but we did actually go through a lot. Jay just used his last wish to reverse time, remember. Who knows what happened to Jay in that time." Nya said, defending her boyfriend.

"Anyway, I'm sure he will go back to his normal self soon." Lloyd added.

"I'm going to see what he's doing, be back in a sec." Nya told the others. She never really played the video games. She went out to the deck where she saw Jay staring off. He looked like he was lost in thought. Nya had never seen him so quiet for that long.

"Hey Jay, whats up?" Nya said breaking Jay out of his thoughts.

"Oh hey Nya. Just thinking about what all just happened. I mean didn't happen... How does that work again!?" He asked.

"I have no clue. I think it all happened and then when you made your wish, it took us to maybe a different reality. The only weird thing is that you and I remember the events and the others don't. What part of all that craziness were you thinking about?" She wanted to know what was bothering him.

"Just... about my first wish. I still can't believe that I was adopted. I was wondering if my parents know that I know and if Cliff Gordon actually died in this timeline. It's really confusing. Also, since the clock was reversed and the teapot was never found, do we still have our wishes, or are they gone. Not that i ever want to see, or make another wish with that silky voiced sudoser. I was just curious. And..." Jay suddenly realized he was ranting again. Dang it! He had a tendency to do that.

"Now that you bring it up, those are good questions." She responded. "I guess we will never know about the last one. Anyway, I told the guys i would be back in a minute so I'm going back. You coming?" She hoped he would say yes but...

"Maybe later. I just, need a minute." and with that she was gone and Jay found himself alone, still pondering the same questions.


Jay: wow... great start to the story

me: thanks! i hope everyone liked it

Kai, Lloyd, Cole, Zane: I did!

me: haha. sorry if Jay seems a bit ooc(Out of charector) he is dealing with depresstion. one of the reasons i am writing this is to show how serious depression is.

Zane: smart girl.

me: thanks. see you all in chapter 2! i will give you all a hint, the title is...


me: *facepalm* fine go ahead...

Jay: it is called WHAT HAPPENED and it is about...

Cole: hey Jay no spoilers!

Jay: Fine. but its good.

Me: Thankies

Depression (A Ninjago Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now