Chapter 13: Voices

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Me: Ok im back. i went on a very nice vacation. i went to Georgia. to make up for the fact that i haven't posted in a week, i made this chapter longer.
Jay: finally your back. she left us here! it was sad.
Cole: i wanted to go but she wouldn't let us.
Kai: the weather here was horrible.
Me: quit your whining!
Nya: they have been complaining the whole week.
Me: im sorry. so anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter. it took a different turn then i expected.
Zane: it focuses of me! YAY! IM IMPORTANT BABY!
Me: Zane... you ok?
Zane: sorry just got a little excited. She doesnt own ninjago but she owns the story!
Chapter 13: Voices
It was the middle of the night... again... but this time, Jay didn't fall asleep. He was being tortured by nadakon without him even being their. His voice in Jay's head was killing him. The spell Nadakon had put on Jay causing him to have the nightmares is the only reason his voice was still in his head. Nadakon didn't forget what happened, he remembered torturing the boy. He remembered casting the spell. He remembered Jay's third wish. He remembered the hatred he had for the boy. Nadakon just wanted Jay to break and even if he wasn't there for him to wish himself into the sword, he still wanted to torture him. Jay was sitting on his bed crying when he looked at his cuts on his arm. He thought about cutting to calm him down when Nadakon took that opportunity to strike.
You think that will help? Pathetic!
It has helped me this far hasn't it! Jay thought back.
I thought your precious girlfriend didn't like it when you cut your arms I never thought you would keep secrets from her funny boy!
Jay wanted to kill Nadakon. He wanted to scream the words SHUT UP but it wouldn't help and he would wake everyone up. He did remember how Nya had told him that if he felt like cutti this arms he should just come to her, but she was asleep now.
It was morning now and the whole team were worried about Jay. It was obvious he hadn't slept and he was being quiet. Nya had a feeling that Jay hadn't slept because of Nadakon, but she didn't know how to confront him about it. She watched as Jay stepped out of the bounty and onto the desert below. She watched as he cried leaning up against a dead tree. She felt so bad that she couldn't do anything to help him.
It went on like this for multiple days, each night getting worse and worse for Jay.
It had been about a week of this now. Jay was tired and weak and he wanted this to just be over. He was mad at Nadakon for doing this to him and himself for being weak. He wanted to just fall asleep. As he was drifting off he heard the voice.
Ha no sleep for you! I don't care if I'm not there when it happened but I want you to break! It's fun to watch you cry!
WOULD YOU SHUT UP! Jay screamed back. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He was breaking. How was he supposed to stop this. What could he do. Why did this all have to happen. Why did it have to be him.
The other ninja were worried about Jay. they had been getting used to him being depressed but not this. This was just plain torture. Zane had been researching a way to help their brother. He had researched the magic they could use, Djinns, and had been trying to calculate a way to kill Nadakon without hurting Jay. he was about to give up for the evening and make the ninja dinner when a book caught his eye.
"What is this?" he asked himself. "Pixal, can you analyze?"
"This is a book about a Djinn's magic. It talks about spells curses potions and wishes." Pixal told him.
"Perfect!" Zane exclaimed. He read through the book but couldn't find much on what Nadakon did. "So Pixal, what i have found is that a Djinn can use this type of magic only once in their life. It can make a person continuously remember a memory whether it is good or bad. When the magic is powerful enough, the Djinn that cast it can communicate with the person no matter where they are."
"That explains how Nadakon is still in the Teapot of Tyrahn but is somehow talking to Jay." Pixal exclaimed.
"Exactly! There is only a few ways to stop it and i don't like the options that much." Zane said. "The options are: 1. Killing the person, 2. Killing the djinn(which is nearly impossible), or 3. An unknown way that only the person with the spell casted upon them can find."
"Wow very specific" Pixal stated sarcastically.
"Well let's go talk to Jay"
Me: sooooo...what did you thing?
Jay: i liked it.
Cole: Very specific!
me; what even pixal can be sarcastic.
Pixal: yup!
Pixal; i have always been here. i just don't talk much.
Cole: Geez stalker much!
Pixal: I live in Zane's head what do you expect!
Zane: true!
Me: ok so that just happened. welcome to the chat Pixal.
Pixal: thanks?
Me: anyway i have a lot of writing ahead of me. only 2 moe chapters to go! the next chapter is called a battle in my head
???: thats a long chapter name! take you long to come up with?
Jay; who are you?
Me: uhhhh... i know who it is...
Jay: WHO!

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