Chapter 4: Enjoyment

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Me: Ok back with chapter 4! I'm so excited... what is that smell! No who let Cole ge to the kitchen!
Zane: I couldn't stop him, I...
Cole: Lunch is ready! (holds plates filled with burnt on one side and under done on the other pancakes) I tryed to makes something more simple! Dig in!
Me: oh I just remembered! I can't have anything with eggs in ti this week, 'Darn'! Oh well blame the doctors!
Nya: Me to!
Cole: Oh well in that case, let me make you something speciel!
Me: NOOO! I mean i got it cole! (Nya and I Go to kitchen)
Jay: Lucky!
Cole EAT!
Zane: Very nice... cole... you are... definitely getting... better at.... cooking!(Zane managed to say)
Kai: I will be right back! (Runs and throws up)
Jay: oh all the coffee i drank made me lose my appetite!
Cole: (Takes a bit of pancake) Oh come on! They are delisious! You guys are just wimps!
Kai: I'm... ok.
Me: (comes into room with a pb&j) Hey guys i'm back! Anyway before anyone else throws up lets jump into the chapter!
Nya: She doesn't own ninjago but she owns the story!


Chapter 4: Enjoyment

Jay was still just laying in his bed. He was in a white shirt, blue jacket, and sweatpants. He was still trying to comprehend the fact that the other now know what had happened.

Me and my big mouth! If i had just checked before talking to Nya, they still wouldn't know and i could deal with this myself! Jay thought to himself. He got out of his bed and went to the deck. It was about 11 in the morning and they had all gotten up hours ago. Jay looked off into the distance of the desert that the bounty was parked in.

Is there anything that needs done around here? That could keep my mind off these stupid memories. Jay went to the bridge. He saw Nya working on some wires on the generator.

"Oh good. Jay, do you think you could give me a hand? I'm bad at wires." she asked him.

"Sure. Let's see..." Jay looked at the tangled up wires. He started to detangle the mess while Nya watched in amazement. Once he was done, he rewired them all and used his lightning to get the electricity back in the generator.

"Wow. I don't know how you do that but thanks." Nya told him.

"No problem. Anything else you need, I have nothing to do." he hugged his girlfriend.

"Not that I can think of. Why don't you go play games with the guys. They are in the game room." Nya said hoping to get Jay at least a little happy. She could see he was still upset.

"Maybe..." Jay said. "See ya later." Jay decided to go see what they were playing. When he walked to the doorway, he saw them playing Sitar Legend (mentioned in episode 5). Kai was winning. Of course.

"Yah! Take that Lloyd!" Kai had won and was doing his victory dance.

"Oh hey Jay!" Lloyd said while Kai was still bragging. "Whats up?" when he said this, it took everything in Jay to not say the ceiling.

"Not much. I see Kai is still the all time champ of Sitar Legend." Jay said. Everyone noticed Jay now.

"Yay! I rule at the game!" Kai said.

"OK ok we get it!" Cole said, getting annoyed at Kai's antics. "Do you want to play with us? We could all team up against Kai and he could lose! But we would need your help, you know the codes!" Cole was referring to the fact that Jay knew almost every video game code out there. Jay thought about this for a minute.

"Sure! What do I have to lose." Jay said.

"The game." Kai said. Everyone laughed at that. They all sat down and started to play. "I still think this is unfair. You guys aren't supposed to team up. It has always been hard enough to be just Jay without you all helping him. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kai just lost his battle between him and Jay. "HOW?"

"Never talk and game my friend!" Jay said. He paused the game so that they could all rub it in Kai's face.

"What ever. I still hold the high score!" they continued gaming until dinner. It was Zanes night to cook and all the ninja were happy about that. They all sat down to eat and had a great time talking and joking around. However, to everyone's surprise, Jay stayed quiet most of the night.

When it was time for the ninja to go to bed, Jay was silently scared. He hated the dreams that he was being forced to experience, but he didn't let this show. Everyone got in bed and Jay had another nightmare. It went something like this...


Me: OOOOOH I love a cliffhanger! Who else!
Nya: I know i do!
Kai: Cole... you are never cooking... for us... again!
Cole: Wimp!
Zane: I agree with Kai! I will take your cooking day from now on.
Cole: Fine. but only because i love your cooking!
All(except for cole and Zane) YESSSSSS!
Sensei wu: What is going on in here?
Me: OH sensei! You want to join the comment squad!
Sensei wu: Sure! But it is time for daily training so come come!
All(Except sensei wu): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Jay: First cole's cooking now this!
Sensei wu: That will be an extra 100 push ups for you Jay!
Jay; me and my big mouth!
all (Except Jay): HAHAHAHAHAHA
Me: Um sensei, i'm busy with the next chapter sooo...
Sensei Wu: you do not have to train now but i expect you to make it up.
Me: Ok! Ha suckers! the next chapter is called the nightmare!
Me: anyway thankies

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