Chapter 14: A Battle Inside My Head part 1

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me: alright just 2 more chapters. ya i had to split them into 2 parts because of how long this chapter already is.
Jay: awww! why does my story have to be over! i enjoy having my own story.
Me: because i have other storys to write. you will have more storys. i am planing to write at least one story about every ninja plus my oc. be sure to tell me which you want next in the conversations part of my profile.
Me: ok kai we get it you want me to post your story.
Cole: geez i think this is getting to everyone. now everyone at least once a day brings up how they want their story to end.
Nya: yup. it gets annoying.
Me: anyway, please enjoy this chapter.
all(except me): *arguing over who gets to say the disclaimer*
me: you guys are hopeless ya know for once im going to saythe disclaimer. i dont own ninjago but i own this story!
Chapter 10: A Battle Inside my Head part 1
Zane explained everything to Jay and the others. They were all intrigued but Jay had trouble focusing. It was at this time that the others had an idea.
"So what if Jay went inside his own mind to fight the Djinn. If you can get rid of him there them your all set right!" Kai said.
"I think that could work. What do you say Jay... Jay? Hello?" cole was waving his hand in front of Jay's face.
"Hmmm... uh... what sorry Cole i must have zoned out." Jay said is a tired voice.
"It's alright Jay. we know what you are going through." Nya said. Jay nodded showing he understood.
Le time skippy because i don't know how to explain this. Basically jay is in a coma type stait and is about to battle Nadakon.
Jay was inside his own mind. To was kinda weird for him to see what runs through his head. It seemed that his mind had like different sections. One for his talkative nature, one for his training/ ninja side, one for his family and the list goes on. However one that didn't seem to fit was a dark, artificial looking side. Jay had a feeling that was his depression and that was were Nadakon was. He went in. he was scared and felt like his depression was taking over him. He watched as some thoughts ran through the area. He saw some thoughts of cutting his arm, thoughts that the world was against him and even one thought of suicide. This was too much for him he couldn't do it(author chan; hahaha do it. Bff if you're reading this, i hope you get the joke lol). He was about to run out when he felt something that made him calm and made him feel like he wasn't alone.
Outside of Jays mind they could see he was scared and nya went over and put her hand on him.
"Remember Jay, you're not alone. We are here for you." they could see this was helping him. Just like before (in chapter 8) they had the tea that helped them see what Jay was seeing.
"I can't believe we let his depression get this bad. Why didn't we see what he was feeling?" Cole said. He still took this way to hard on himself, for he was his best friend.
"Its alright Cole. if any of us should have seen this coming, it was me. I remember almost everything he does. I should have known that it was to much for him." Nya tried to comfort him, making herself feel bad in the process.
"Nya, none of us knew what he went through on that ship. Don't be hard on yourself." Kai said.
Jay continued walking. He watched as memories of Nadakon ran by and he tried to ignore them. It was to hard. Just then something shot at Jay. he rolled to the side just in time. He looked to see a sword that looked way too familiar.
"Nadakon!" jay said.
"Ah. hello Jay. why would you be here?" the djinn said.
'Because i'm here to get rid of you. Do you know what you have done!" Jay said.
"Oh yes. In well aware of what i have don't, funny boy, I find it amusing to see you like this. I enjoy watching you suffer!" Nadakon remarked. He was grinning as he watched Jays overwhelmed face change to an angry one.
"WELL! YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SICK OF IT! DO YOU SEE THIS?" he rolled down his sleeve showing the scars on his arms. "THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOU KNOW WHAT! I'VE DECIDED THAT I'M NOT GOING TO ENTERTAIN YOU ANYMORE! I'M SICK OF YOUR GAMES! IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Jay was shouting. He didn't care if the others were watching. He wanted them to see what was truly going through his head all this time. It felt nice to get this off his chest.
"Well i must say, no one has ever had the guts to stand up to me like that. And if i do say, you can't do anything about this so i would suggest shutting your mouth mister mouth of lightning." nadakon didn't seem fazed by any of this, however he felt something inside. He knew that he couldn't really do much to harm the boy here and he hadn't expected Jay to come in his own mind to get rid of him.
"HEY! No one calls me that except Cole and Kia!" this made Cole and Kai smile at each other.
"Oh so they gave you a nickname. But if my memory serves me correct from when i was wandering through your memories, that hurt your feeling. You didn't think that it bothered anyone that you were talkative and when you found out what they thought of that, your mind shut down. Something about having depression problems from a young age from being bullied?" Nadakon was playing with him. He knew that he hit him where it hurt him the most because of the tear running down his check even though he was still trying to stand strong.
"... would you just... shut up..."
To Be Continued...
jay: but i wanted to say the disclaimer.
kai: i did to
cole: same
me: oh shut up. there will be plenty more oportunitys to do the disclaimers in my next storys.
Jay: well i do like what you are doing with the story.
???: i get to be a guest appearence so ha.
Jay: wait... NADAKON!
Nadakon: yup.
(cole kai nya and zane move to protect jay like in this fanart i found its at the bottom)
Nadakon: you relize if i wanted to harm him i would have done it already.
me: so get outta here i didn't aprove of you joining the chat now GO!
Nadakon: fine fine.(he leaves)
Me well here we go. im sure you can all guess the next chapter name. A Battle Inside my Head part 2

 A Battle Inside my Head part 2THANKIES!

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