Chapter 8: Understanding

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me: OK we are back with chapter 8. Im proud of this chapter. it has some cool ideas that i came up with and found in other storys.
Cole: she is back to normal. we are all good right. anyone else freakign out?
Nya: I think we are all good.
Jay: (whispers) i just glad she doesn't want to kill me anymore.
Kai: hey guys? want to order pizza.
me: ok i will order what do we want?
all argueing: Cheese, peperoni, pinapple, hawiian...
me: ok Ok OK BREAK IT UP! we will order 3 with two different kinds on each. I will tell the person(Has conversation with person on phone) Ok thank you!
Jay: YUM!!!!!!!
Zane: guys calm down.
Nya: Oh no here we go again.
Me: well hope everyone enjoys the story while we wait for the pizza.


They had Jay knocked out in a vengestone cell so he couldn't try to escape if he woke up. Sensei had found a tea that they could use to see Jay's dream. The ninja felt bad for how they were treating their brother. Nya had wanted to let him out multiple times but Kai held her back. Sensei prepared the tea. He boiled it and let the steam fill Jay's cell. Suddenly the vapor formed into a picture. The picture starts to play Jays nightmare for the ninja. They watched in horror of the scene in front of them. It was way worse than Jay had described to Nya the other day. They watched as their friend was tortured and beaten. By the time the scene ended, Nya was crying on Kai's shoulder and the rest of the ninja were speechless. They never truly understood how strong their brother was until now. They knew he was strong, but to go through that, they were purely shocked. At that moment Jay woke up. He was breathing hard and sweating until he realized what was happening. He tried to calm down but they all could tell he was freaked.

"Are you ok?" Zane was the first to break the silence. Jay took a deep breath then said quietly.

"Y-yes..." he didn't look ok and everyone could tell he was lying. "I'm o-ok. Why am i in a cell?"

"Sorry about that, we wanted to make sure if you woke up, you wouldn't run off." Cole told him.

"Can you let me out of said cell. I won't run away i promise." they could all tell Jay was freaked out from being in the cell for it reminded him of being locked in Nadakon's bridge. They let him out and went to the game room. There they simply sat down to talk. "So what did you guys do exactly?" Jay asked relizing Nya had been crying.

"We may or may not have..." Kai started.

"Watched your dream play out." Cole finished for him.

"WHAT!" Jay seemed nervous now. "Ok fine. I get why so i'm just going to except it. I didn't want you guys to figure out about the parts of that it that involved me being tortured but i guess it's too late now!" Jay was obviously freaking out and was going to keep ranting on. Everyone knew just to let him rant and calm done. They had seen him have panic attacks in the past so they were used to this.

"Jay, why didn't you tell us you were tortured on that boat. I thought you were just overworked. Not beaten and tortured!" Nya barely managed to say.

"Because i didn't want that to happen!" He referred to the fact that Nya was crying. "I thought i could handle it on my own. I have handled things like this before! Most of the time i'm able to get away with this kind of problem without anyone noticing!"

"You have dealt with depression before?" Zane asked.

"... maybe..." Jay said softly. Everyone stared in shock at their normally happy friend. They had never known this.

"Jay... why don't you ever ask for our help?" Cole asked.

"Because it's not that big of a deal." he replied. Jay obviously didn't want to talk about this.

"Jay, depression can lead to self harm and sometimes worse." Zane said. At the word self harm Jay flinched.

"Well... i know that... i just... found it easier to not talk about it." Jay shuddered as he said this.

"Jay, did you harm yourself?" Sensei asked. There was an awkward silence as Jay rolled up his sleeve with his eyes closed. Everyone was even more shocked at the scars left on his arm and the fresh scab formed from the other night. Tears fell from the blue ninja's eye. He had obviously never told anyone about this.

"I don't know what to do anymore!" Jay stood up and walked out of the room to the deck. The thoughts of just jumping over the side and killing himself right there were mocking him. Back in the game room everything was silent. Everyone had pure shock in their eyes as Cole walked out of the room to make sure Jay didn't try to run away again.

Why was i not there for him when he needed me the most! This thought ran through both Nya and Cole's head.


Me: yup. im proud of this chapter. and...(doorbell rings) oh pizzas here!
Jay/ Cole/ Kai: YESSSS PIZZA!
Nya: Geez are you guys ok?
Zane: This is why you never say yes to requests to get pizza by Kai Cole or Jay. Guys calm down.
Me: But... i like pizza.
Sensei: NO PIZZA FOR YOU! not until you calm down.
Jay/ Cole/ Kai: NOOOOOOOOO!!!
me: GEEZ FOR ONCE CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT THE STORY(nya went to get the pizza)
Dareth(The pizza person): Hey guys how is it going.
Me: no No NO NO NO! YOU ARE NOT JOINING US. NO DARETH PUFFS THANK YOU! (dareth puffs lol. if you dont know, google this:
Dareth: I have a job anyway. Bye!
(five minute pizza break)
Me: And we are back. the next chapter is called... um...
Nya: what have we said about not knowing the name to the next chapter.
Me: SHUSH I'M THINKING. lets call it... Help. ok thankies!

Depression (A Ninjago Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now