Chapter 5: The Nightmare

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Me: we are back with chapter 5. I'm sorry if this chapter seems harsh but it is the only way to move the story forward.
Jay: *pant* ok... guys i'm *Pant* here.
Cole: what touch you so long?
Cole:Oh ya forgot about that. Anyway, when are you planning on making up that training section you missed?
Me: During this chapter. I don't have to do much, Sensei just needs to see me doing work then I can come back! I'M SO SMART... jay what are you doing... jay. NO DON'T!
Jay:(flips Zane's funny switch on) haha!
Zane: Hello! Oh I see we have a room full of potatoes! Hello potato's!
Lloyd: JAY WHY! You know we aren't supposed to fittle with Zane when he is retiring his switches!
Jay: exactly! Zane's funny switch is wired in a strange new temporary way making him... well...
Me: help us all. Anyway while we deal with Zane and I make up my training, please enjoy this next chapter
Kai: NO Zane the disclaimer is she doesn't own ninjago but she owns the story!
Chapter 5: the nightmare.
It started how it always did. He was face to face with Nadakhan. The djinn put him in chains and beat him. He pulled out a whip and hit Jay with it.
"Ha! You scared, funny boy?" the djinn asked.
"Not... one... bit." the blue ninja said through winces of pain. The boy was soon taken out to the ship deck, weak and in pain. He was forced to scrub the ship, while the dirt filled water seeped into his cuts. He tried not to scream in pain. He was trying not to show signs of weakness and the djinn wasn't satisfied. He flew over to the boy, and played with his mind, making him feel worthless, and unloved. He had told the boy that he knew he was weak and scared. He told him to wish it all away. The boy refused and the ship captain ordered him to scrub the entire outside of the ship, while still cuffed in a vengstone ball and chain. The boy seemed scared and in pain as he held of for dear life. Later he was able to trick the serpentine guard to walk away and he wrote a note to his friends. He had to run but was soon caught. But not before releasing the bottle with the note to his friends intact. He was taken back on to the ship and into the captain's quarters where he was beat again and mocked. He left the quarters with fresh new cuts and a larger ball and chain that made him less maneuverable. He was later forced to join the barbaric on ship game of scrap and tap. With the ball and chain, and the boy's weak state, he lost every round. He was humiliated and hurt even more. His eye had received a cut right over it. The pain he felt from it was unbearable, but he was soon given an eyepatch to help him out. The boy was then tricked into another game of scrap and tap where he was put through so much pain, that he was ready to die. He is invited to have dinner with the captain, and he takes advantage on this time to try and electrify the djinn. He is scolded and hit with the whip for trying such a thing. Everything inside the boy told him to just listen to the djinn and wish his worries away, but he wouldn't do it. The next day he was brought into the djinns quarters a third time, where he was practically murdered. He managed to survive but was soon knocked unconscious and then...
Jay woke up from the recurring nightmare ready to scream... again. He couldn't take another night of this. He slowly checked if all the ninja were asleep this time before leaving the room. Jay was feeling depressed. The nightmare's made him feel like he was weak and like he didn't matter. He felt like he was useless. He didn't know how much more of this he could take. He went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and cut his arm. The pain in his arm helped him to forget about the pain he felt mentally, which was the point of doing this. Tears formed in his eyes as he realized he was becoming depressed again. This wasn't the first time he had intentionally harmed himself. And he had the scars on his arms to prove it.
As long as no one finds out, this could help. I can't let any of the others know about this though. He washed his arm off and put a bandage on the cut that covered from his arm pitt to his elbow. He pulled his sleeve down and washed off any blood that had gotten on the sink. There was no sign that he had cut himself. He cleaned the knife and put it back in the drawer. He went back to the room quietly and attempted to get back to sleep. Lucky for him the dream only seems to curse him the first time he sleeps per night. He slept like a baby the rest of the night. Though he did dream of the events that took place after Cole had come to rescue him from the djinn.
Jay: Um... i dont remember Nadakons ship being that bad...
Me: I know. i had to make it worse than it was so that the story made sense.
Cole: How did you get back from training so fast?
Me: It was easy. Sensei came to see if i was doing work and when he left i came back. (Sensei walks in)
Sensei: Hello everyone. you all did great in training today and will have the rest of the day off.
All(except sensei): YAAAAAAY
Jay: It was worth it!
Me: Jay... I hate you sometimes.
Nya: I will try to fix him but...
Nya: HEY!
Cole: This has gone to far. I will tacel him while you(Looks at me) fix him.
Jay: you fixed the xbox when no one else could. we all know you are good with wires.
Me:... FINE but then i need to get on the next chapter called Run! Thankies!

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