Chapter 10: Midnight

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Me: Ok back with chapter 10. as long as my computer doesnt get wet i can post it.
Jay: Why do you hate water.
Me; ask my brothers.
Nya: (Calls her brothers) hello, yes... why does your sister hate water so much... oh... thanks.
Cole: she probably just doesn't like water. i know i don't!
zane: thats because you would die if you touched it. this is different.
Kai: anyway, what did they say?
Nya: her brothers made her watch Jaws...
All(except me and Nya): Ohhhhhh...
Me: (mumbles) i hate sharks...
Jay: you probably wont get bitten here.
Me: So! i still don't like going in oceans. i will swim in poles with pleasure but not in oceans.
Sensei: it is getting late, we should probably be heading back to the bounty.
all(except me and sensei): NOOO!
Me: cole why are you sad about that? your a ghost?
Cole: Doesnt mean i don't like the beach, i just cant go in the water.
Me: Well anyway, while we pack, please enjoy the next chapter.
Cole; she doesn't own ninjago but she owns the story.
Chapter 10: Midnight.
Jay had the nightmare again. He woke up like always. He walked out of the room and onto the deck. No one else was awake.
I could get away with it... he looked towards the kitchen. After walking in and grabbing the knife again he looked at it and thought,  should i? They could find out. I'm just going to do it! He made a small, deep cut on his forearm. It hurt as always, but it distracted him from the nightmare. He cleaned everything up and put the knife away. He put a bandage on the cut and went back to the deck. This had become a habit for him. It was about midnight. The moon was high in the sky and the stars were twinkling. It was a perfect night. Jay longed to just run into the forest and be alone, but he knew that he would never get away with it. His thoughts went wild. He thought about the dream, the eye patch, the cuts, his depression, running, death, his wishes, and Nya. he had seen Nya upset today on the bridge. He hoped she was ok. After about an hour of just standing on the deck thinking, he finally went back to sleep. As always he was cursed with dreams of what happened after he escaped. But this time was different. Instead of the basic outline of the memory, he was only remembering Nya's death. He woke up with Cole and Zane staring at him.
"He is awake." Cole finally said. "You were scaring us. You were twisting and turning, sweating, and mumbling something about Nya. are you ok?"
"Wha... uh... yah. I'm ok." Jay then remembered the last 24 hours. He wondered if they somehow figured out about him cutting his arm again.
"Did you have the nightmare again?" Zane asked.
"Yes. I always do. After waking up in the middle of the night, i normally have a normal dream, after the nightmare is finished. I'm used to it. But tonight was... different." Jay said. He wished he hadn't because now the rest of the ninja were looking at him curiously. "It's nothing don't worry."
"You know we can't just let you play it off like that. What happened?" Kai asked.
"Just drop it ok. I don't want to talk about it." and with that he left the room. The others started to follow him, but Zane stopped them.
"Let him tell us when he is ready. Don't push him" He told his brothers.
The first thing Jay did after leaving the room was go to see Nya. after dreaming of her death last night, he had to know she was ok. He walked into the bridge, where she always was in the morning.
"Hey Nya." Jay said. Nya turned around and her face brightened when she saw him.
"Jay! How are you this morning?" Nya ran over and hugged her boyfriend.
"I'm good now that i have seen you. After the normal nightmare i have each night i dreamed of your death. I just needed to know you were alright." Jay said to her. She hugged him titer.
"Don't worry about me. Just do me a favor. Please, stop being depressed."
"I will try."
Me: ya ya ya. don't at me! i get it short chapter and late update. i just didn't know what to do with it. i am having a bit of writers block. anyway, we are back on the bonty!
Lloyd: I still think you should have come in the water with us.
Jay: ya it would have been fun!
Me: Jay, the only reason you wanted to go, was to see Nya in a swim suit.
Jay: i will not confirm nor deny that sentence.
Nya: really...
Zane: hey... i've been wondering. what is your elemental power anyway?
Me: ummm... i want to save that info for my oc story
All(except me and sensei): PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE
Me: fine (holds up cloud) my power is weather.
Nya: wow i can't wait for that story now!
Me: well i have a lot of writing to do so he next chapter is called Pace. thankies!

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