Chapter 11: Pace

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Me: ok chapter 11! this will be fun! im still trying to get over writers block but i have an idea that will make the story a little shorter, but better.
Jay: writers block sucks.
Me:yup... so any guesses on the story?
Nya: is jay going to try to kill himself?
cole: will they fave a villan to fight?
Kai: i swear if you put more Jaya scenes in imma kill u.
Me: Just try to touch me. i can kill you if i want to so dont touch.
Kai: oh ya... prove it!
Nya: I dont think that a good idea...
Me:(forms cloud above his head and make it rain.) ha i love it when your hair goes flat! its so funny!
All(except kai who is franticly trying to fix his hair with pocket hair gel) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Kai: I hate you.
Me; Dont test me. for that, there will be a Jaya scene in this chapter, let me fit it in(writes a little) perfect.
Jay: she doent own ninjago but she owns the story
Chapter 11: pace
The ninja were training. They were practice fighting each other and Jay actually seemed focused. The blue ninja was trying to use the training to keep his mind off everything. He tried to not think of the depression, cutting, and Nadakon. He thought of Nya. how he just wanted to cuddle up with her and let her comfort him. Just then, Kai, who was fighting with him, hit his arm. He hit the spot that Jay had cut last night and it started to bleed.
"Dang it" Jay said under his breath. "I will be right back sorry!" with that, Jay ran out of the room.
'Kai, what did you do! Why did Jay run out of here with his arm bleeding!?" Cole asked.
"I didn't do anything except hit his shoulder in our practice fight." Kai said.
"I say we go check on him." Zane said. They went to the ninjas shared room and saw Jay pulling his sleeve up to show an open wound. It couldn't of just formed, it was a knife cut. Had Jay cut himself again last night?
"Jay, are you ok?" Lloyd asked him.
"Oh ya i'm fine! Just... uh..." Jay tried to come up with an excuse for his arm bleeding but was cut off by Cole.
"Jay, did you cut your arm again. When do you find time to do that!" he asked.
"I... you know what! I did ok! It's the only thing that helps! Causing pain upon myself physically keeps me from thinking of my mental pain! Ok! So why do you care! I just..." jay started to rant but cut himself off. There was an awkward silence. Jay put a bandage on his arm and tried to walk out of the room but was stopped by Nya who had heard the whole thing. She gave him a hug. They stood there for a while in the hallway. Jay hugged her back.
"Jay." nya whispered into his ear, "I know you think it helps but all it does is hurt you more. please , next time you feel you need to cut yourself, just come see me. I will help you. I love you."
"I love you too Nya, but it's not that easy." he released from the hug and walked onto the bridge. "It's never that easy" He said to himself.
Le time skippy
Training had ended after the incident. Jay was fixing a part on the bounty. He thought about earlier. He thought about cutting himself again, for he was feeling a strong feeling of his depression. Once the thought came into his head, it was the only thing Jay could think about. He remembered something from back at Nadakons ship. It hurt as he finally understood what Nadakon had ment. Gosh i hate that djinn...
Le flashback
"Weak! Stupid! Worthless! You really think your friends are coming for you! They hate you!" Nadakon scolded. This was during one of Jay's torture sessions. "You will give or you will regret it little ninja!"
"I will... never... make the... you know what..." Jay managed to say.
"Fine!" nadakon said with a smile on his face. "Hope you have fun when this is all over!" then Nadakon had put something on the whip and hit jay with it. He felt something in his blood rush to his head. This was the cause of his recurring nightmares wasn't it?
End of le flashback
He did this on purpose! Jay realized it. It hurt. Nadakon put something on the whip, and now Jay was having these nightmares!
Author chans note!
Me: yes... i know that sounds lame but i didn't know how else to say it. Ok back to the story!
Jay quickly went to Nya. he had to have her confort. When he found her, she was on the bridge fixing a separate part.
"Jay! Are you ok?" She asked when she saw the urgency in his eyes.
"Nya i need to tell you something!"

me: and there you have it! chapter 11. my updates might be slow from here on. sorry about that.
Cole: im sure they wont mind.
Jay: I hope they don't. the last thing we need is a fan girl attack!
me: ikr so, do you like where the story is going? I hit a wall in the writing. i know where i am in it and where i want to be but dont really know how to get there.
Nya: whatever you come up with im sure will be fine!
Me: thx. so its quiet for once. no one is freaking out, everyone is calm.
Me: oh ya forgot about that!
Kai: I hate you! i will be back!
Jay: where is he going?
Cole: Probably to fix his hair.
Me: IT WAS SO WORTH IT! so the next chapter will be called... hmmmm.
me: no your not the author so no.
jay; buts its my story!
Me: Fine
Jay: IT will be called... sudden appearances
Me: that actually works. THANKIES!

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