Chapter 12: Sudden Appearances

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Me: ok i have said that past chapter were really good, but this is the best! it has a giant plot twist!
Jay: the title worked.
Me: yes it did.
Cole: you seem hyper
Me: yes because i'm soooooo hyped for this chapter can we just get to it!
Kai; calm down. geez did you eat sugar or something?
Lloyd: if that's the reason she is like this its my fault, i gave her sugar.
Kai: why?
Me: thats not the only reason... I just really love this chapter! it is the set up for the final chapters and its sooooooooooo good!
Jay; ok... we get it!
me; also... ITS MY BDAY
ALL; HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sensei: ok then lets just get right into it!
Lloyd: she doesn't own ninjago but she owns the story


Chapter 12: Sudden Appearances

"What are you talking about! Nadakon not only tormented you to the point of depression, but he caused the nightmares you are having to recur! HOW HEARTLESS IS THAT B... DJINN." Nya was mad. She hugged him tightly and whispered into his ear that it was going to be ok, after seeing the tears in his eyes.

"Yes... oh Nya... Please help me!" they fell to the floor and just hugged each other. At this moment Kai came in.

"Hey sis, i have a question... oh... is everything ok?" Kai asked realizing the moment.

"NO!" Nya said letting go of Jay and standing up. "THE STUPID DJINN DID THIS TO JAY ON PURPOSE! THE ONLY REASON HE IS HAVING NIGHTMARES IS BECAUSE..." Nya couldn't finish. She was being comforted by her brother now.

Because i made sure of it. That's what your little girlfriend was going to say wasn't it?" Jay knew that voice. He gasped causing the siblings to look at him.

"Is everything alright?" Kai asked him.

That's right, is everything alright? Hahaha!

"But how!?" Jay asked out loud. The siblings were looking at him strangely now.

"Who are you talking to? What's wrong... Jay... Hello... WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" Nya asked as Jay ran out of the room a daze.

"Get out of my head! How? Why?!" he created his dragon and took off. He saw the others looking at him from the deck, but he flew off as fast as he could. He hoped they didn't follow him.

"JAY WHERE ARE YOU GOING COME BACK!" he heard Zane yell. Jay flew above the clouds to the only spot he could think of at this moment. The old monastery.

I never thought that you would leave your friends sides after all that happened.

"I HATE YOU! HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Jay was at the monastery now. He was screaming into the distance. He wanted to punch the djinn. This was killing him!

Ahhh! I see it worked. Nonstop nightmares? I bet... and if it hadn't worked, how would i be speaking to you? Oh yes, it worked and for what's more, i can see in your memories all that has happened. I'm impressed with myself!

"I HATE YOU... So... much..." Jay fell to his knees crying. He couldn't handle this.

"JAY!" the voice belonged to Nya. he looked up to see all the ninja on their dragons flying towards him. He was about to recreate his dragon and fly off again when Nya landed and grabbed his arm. "Don't go. Please! What's wrong, what happened?"

Jay explained what was happening, how he could hear Nadakons voice and while explaining, he could hear that silky voice sudosers voice mocking him. Calling him weak. He had felt tears roll down his cheek many times while explaining. Now he had both Nya and Cole at his side hugging him.

Pathetic! All i am is a harmless voice and your still scared! Weak!

"SHUT UP!" He screamed suddenly, causing his friends to jump. "Sorry. That stupid djinn won't shut up."

I can hear you you know!

I'm going to kill you! Jay thought.


me: soooooooo... what did you think???
Cole: that... was...
Kai: totally worth the hype you gave it!
Me: thanks! but what i want to know is what did you think of it? do you like this set up for the end? Let me know in the comments!
Kai: who were you talking to? what's the forth wall?
me: long story. but you know who you are!
Cole: so what happens next! i hate it when you leave it at a cliff hanger! i want to know!
me; Like i'll ever tell!
Nya: HEY thats my line!
Me; lol anyway, THANKIES next chapter is called voices

Depression (A Ninjago Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now