Chapter 3: Secrets Out

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Me: we are back with chapter 3. And Jay is finally awake and calm.

Cole: I wouldn't be so sure about that...

Zane(Holding Jay down): Someone help me!


Me: Oh gosh. Dang nabbit Cole!

Cole: I'm sorry!

Kai: wtcrap! Jay calm down! No more coffee. Call his mom she will know what to do!

Me: OK (pulls out my phone and calls Edna) Hello?

Edna: oh hello dear. How is Jay doing? How are you doing?

Me: Not well. Do you know what to do when Jay drinks caffeine? He isn't hyper spastic any more but he he screaming that he wants more caffeine. listen...


Edna: oh yes. I remember that. Make him get a brain freeze. That always shocks him out of it!

Me: Thank you. You are a lifesaver! (Hangs up) ok Zane...

Zane: this may take a minute, you might want to start the story.



Chapter 3: Secrets out.

"What the crap. Jay is ADOPTED! Why does he think that we wouldn't care? I know that i would be acting like that if I found out I was adopted!" Cole said once they knew Jay and Nya couldn't hear them.

"That's not the real problem here! Did any of you know he hasn't been sleeping well? Why doesn't he trust us with this? Did we do something to... oh..." Lloyd drifted off.

"WHAT" the others screamed at him.

"Remember. In the story, we got mad at him for something." Lloyd told them.

"Not Zane and I! We were in the sword!" Kai said.

"Still. Jay has always liked to act like everything is ok. Whenever he is hurt or stressed, he tries to act positive and tries to work through his stress alone. I have noticed that about him through the time that we were roommates." Zane told the others.


It was about 2 in the morning and Jay woke sweating and trying no to scream. He was having another nightmare about Nadakon.

I am never going to get good rest at this rate. What happened to I'm not scared of you Nadakon, my friends care about me! Now all i can think about is the stupid torture of the ship.

Jay got up quietly as to not wake the others and went to the deck. He was just trying to clear his mind when he heard a voice. A familiar voice.

"Whatcha thinking about?" the voice said. Oh no please tell me thats not... Jay turned around to see a man with a green glow tint to him.

"Hi Cole." Jay said. He realized that he wasn't acting cheery like normal. He decided to make a joke to show he was ok. "Come to haunt me at night. A little cliche if you ask me. Ha ha" Jay tried to act positive but he could see that Cole saw right through his act just as Jay could see right through him!

"Cut the act Jay. I know what's bugging you. I hope i don't lose your trust here or anything but Kai, Zane, Lloyd, and I were listening to you talk to Nya. why didn't you tell us?" Cole asked.

"You guys where... what did you hear!" Jay was trying to keep his voice down so he didn't wake anyone else.

"We hear all of it from the part about the ball and chain to the fact that you didn't think we would care that you found out you were adopted. Why didn't you tell us? We do care. That small part of info was all we needed to know why you have been acting different." Cole was trying to not lose Jay's trust while doing this so he stayed calm.

"Well... I just thought you guys wouldn't care. Its stupid! So what if I am? So what if I can't sleep without having a nightmare? So what if I still feel the pain of when you guys were made at me about..." Jay suddenly stopped. He still didn't want them to know that they were mad at him because he had been stupid.

"About.. What?" Cole asked. His voice in a whisper.

"None of your business!" Jay snapped at his friend.

"Ok. what about the fact that you haven't been sleeping. Or that you were adopted?"

"I just..." Cole could tell that Jay was fighting back tears as he said this. Cole went over and put a hand on his brothers shoulder. "I don't know." Jay managed to say in a whisper before a few tears fell from his eyes. Cole comforted his brother. He didn't think that he would get this kind of a reaction from Jay. After Jay calmed down enough to talk again, Cole telling him one more thing.

"Jay... no matter what you are dealing with, you can always come to me. I will help you."

"Thanks C-Cole." Jay managed to say. 


Me: I love that chapter! How is Jay doing?

Zane: he is almost there just one more.

Jay: BAAAAA! WTCRAP! What happened? Ow! My head! It hurts!

Cole: Welcome back Jay.

Jay: what happened?

Me: Just forget it!

Kai: Now that everyone is back to normal, we have someone who would like to join us in the comments!

Nya: Hey Guys! Can I join?

Me: Sure! We need more girls in this anyway!

Jay: HI, ow, Nya!

Nya: Jay are you ok?

Jay: Just a brain freeze! How are you?

Nya: did you give him coffee?

Me: how did you know?

Nya: because i have had to make him get a brain freeze before to shock him out of his caffeine crazys.

Kai: why didn't you come sooner?

Me: well we will see you on the next chapter! hint! it is called Enjoyment! Now who's turn is it to make lunch?

Cole: MINE!

all(except cole): NOOOOO!


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