Chapter 7: Hide and Seek

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me: hi *yawn* everyone back with *Yawn* chapter 7.
Cole: wow. what happened to you.
me: I stayed up all night writing the next chapter. *yawn*
Kai(WHISPERS TO NYA): did she forget about Jay
Nya(WHISPERS BACK) good question. i hope so.
Zane: why didn't you just wait till morning to finish writing it.
Me: BECAUSE! i was in the zone. this chapter is soooo good. anyway(Walks to Jay) I no longer wish to kill you but...(She hits him in the head)
Jay: OWWW!
me: i'm satisfied now*Yawn*
cole: while this chapter is going on, you might want to get some sleep.
Me(deranged look on my face): NEVER!
Zane: so thats what happens if she gets no sleep. we could be in trouble. someone help me knock her out.
Cole: Got you!
me:(running arround like a maniak) YOU SHALL NEVER CATCH ME!(Runs into wall. falls uncontous)
everyone(stares at me)
Cole: well that was easyer than expected. (EVERYONE LOOKS AT JAY)
Jay: what?
Nya: this is your flt you know.
Kai: while we work this out, please enjoy the chapter.
Zane: she dosen't own ninjago but she owns the story
Chapter 7: Hide and seek
Jay just kept running. He didn't care if they were chasing him. He didn't care if he would ever go back but he just kept running. He stopped at a cliff edge to rest. He looked out of the horizon. The time was about 6 pm and the sun was starting to go down. Jay felt the tears rolling down his checks. He really hoped at this point that the others didn't follow him. He didn't want them to see him like this. If only i couldn't remember any of that. If only i wasn't having these nightmares if only i was dead, WOW did i just think that? Jay was scared now. He knew that people that went through depression often tried suicide but did Jay really want that? No! He turned around to the faint sound of vehicles
"DANG IT!" Jay said when he noticed that it was his team mates. He looked around. As the vehicles came closer, he noticed a seconded cliff not far from where he was. He walked back from the cliff and got a running start. As his friends came into view he charged.
"JAY!" he heard Nya scream when he jumped. He landed hardly on the other cliff. The vehicles chasing him stopped at the edge of the cliff as Jay started to run away. Out of instinct, he shouted a joke.
"Guess i'm winning the ultament game of hide and seek huh?" WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT! Jay didn't look back for fear that the others might  be chasing again. He continued to run. He felt tears welling in his eyes again. He let them flow.
Le Time Skippy
It was midnight by now and the ninja thought they were never going to find there blue friend.
"I'm starting to give up hope." Nya said
"We will find him. I promise." Kai told his sister.
"Oh I hate this. Why didn't we see this coming. We are horrible friends!" Cole was taking this hardest of all.
"Cole, it's ok. None of us knew what Jay was going through. I can tell he was depressed, but when a person goes through depression, they like to block people out, and be alone. Jay is running on human instinct. We will find him and help him. I promise." Zane confronted Cole.
"I hope so. For all of our sake." He looked at Nya who was crying silently on her brothers shoulder. "Its alright Nya. We will get him back." he tried then muttered to himself, "I hope."
They had crossed the divide they saw Jay jump over and were continuing looking for him on their feet so that they could sneak up on him this time. Soon after another hour of searching, they spotted the blue gi of the lightning ninja. They hid behind him to try to find the perfect opportunity to pounce. They see Jay awake, probably because he didn't want another night of the dream. They saw him fiddling with wires he had found in his pocket and talking to himself about Nadakon.
Nya and Kai devised a silent plan. Nya would go over to him and try to calm him. They then, if necessary, would knock him out and bring him back. The rest of the team was filled in and agreed to the plan. Nya went over to Jay to see what would happen.
"Hey Jay." she said softly. Jay jumped a bit then looked to see her.
"Is it just you?" He asked her.
"Yes. I came to talk to you. The others are still searching." she lied/
"What do you want to talk about?" He asked clearly hoping to avoid the topic of why he left.
"I know you don't want to, but, why did you leave." She asked.
"I'm sure you already know. Let me guess, Zane recorded it and you all listened to my rant like an idiot. I just wi... want this all to stop" Jay had been avoiding the word wish ever since Nadakon.
"Could you please come back. Please. We will find a way to help you I promise!" Nya begged.
"How can you promise that? You don't know what this is like for me and..."
Jsy: Um... what do we do. only she can write the chapters and she is unconscious!
Nya: AGAIN I SAY, this is your fault.
Cole: Can we wake her?
Me(Waking up): What happened? the last thing i can remember is fixing Zane.
Zane: do you not remember writing chapter 7?
Me: I did that? Let me read it(Speed reads the chapter) hey that's a good chapter. ha i left you on a cliffy! what happened to Jay? you will never know. i mean until the next chapter.
Me: Idk anyway i should probubly get to writing the next chapter.
Sensei: What is the title of the next chapter?
Nya: Im guessing its something like learning or idk.
Me: Im calling the next chapter Understanding. better get to writting it. what time is it?
Zane: its 8:56
me: Oh i guess i will be writting it at night seeing as i go to bed at 9 so i guess...
everyone(except me): NOOOO
Me:... geez what did i miss...
everyone(except me): A LOT!
me: ok i will wait till tomorrow, but dont come crawling to me when the fangirls reading this get mad for a late update! Anyway THANKIES!

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