15 - Talk Talk

879 71 86

October 29, 1988

"Wright Family Clinic."

"What time is your shift over, I'm picking you up."

"I think you know that already." Jody said discreetly into the receiver as she multitasked. Collecting copayment from a patient, she mouthed thank you. "Why?"

"We need to talk."

Returning the change, Jody zipped the money pouch and tossed it back into the bottom drawer. "How are you gonna pick me up? I drove here. I'll just come over."

"No. I don't wanna talk there."

"Well come to my place then."

"I'll be in the black car parked next to yours."

"Roger...." She stopped her words as he hung up. Doing the same, "Damn you." She mumbled.

An hour later Jody gathered her things to leave, trying her best to delay long enough to make Nikki leave out before she did. The feat was nearly impossible but it worked when Jody made up a reason why she had to stay behind. Something about cleaning out old charts.

"You brushing me off?"

She felt like a kid trying to get to the cookie jar. "What? Where did that come from?"

Nikki's eyes were skeptical. "I don't know, but it feels like you up to something."

Jody made a puffing sound while in her mind thinking that the noise wasnt helping the believability factor. "Yeah trying to make a little over time."

Grabbing her purse, "Alright." Nikki dragged out that 'i' again. "Call me later?"

A shrug. "Maybe. Depends on what time I get through here."

Nikki left and Jody waited an extra ten minutes to make sure the coast was clear. Closing and locking up, she went to find Roger's black car. Just as he said, it was parked beside hers. Opening the passenger door, she stuck her head in. "Can I at least take my car home? Follow me there."

"Yeah, let's go."

After parking in the lot, Jody snuck inside of the apartment to change clothes and fix her makeup. She was tired and felt like crap, it was no doubt in her mind that she looked the same.

"Took you long enough." Roger said when she got into the car.

"I had to get out of those scrubs. Nine hours in them is enough."

A couple minutes later, "So where is this special place that you're taking me to...and should I be worried?" Though serious, Jody kept her tone light. "I know I gave you consent and all but in a way this is the second time you're kidnapping me."

Good-natured smirk, a shake of the head, "Relax and just ride."

Even if Jody thought to say something else she wouldn't be able to. The words were snatched and she was rendered speechless because just then she caught sight of him. Completely uncovered hair and all, which she knew he would be but still, it caught her off because damn. She wasn't ever going to get over his beauty.

It took them a little while to get to their destination. Upon arrival, Jody laughed. "A bakery?"

"What's so funny? I felt like doing that thing you said I don't do."

She went to open the shops door but Roger grabbed the handle first and ushered her in.

Cute, she thought. "Thank you."

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