11 - Play II

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Standing guard at the club's door, Chuck wore a sour face that quickly faded when Jody gave him a soft smile. She sweetly spoke her apology after beckoning the tall man. Raising to her tip toes she left a rose pink kiss on his cheek.

"We cool?" She asked.

"Next time watch the nails."

There was a little scar on his chin that Jody unknowingly clawed during her rage the other night.

"No worries you're still handsome, Chuckie."

The man puffed a laugh, unhooking a purple velvet rope. "Yeah, yeah. Get in there." He ushered her forward.

Blue and purple lights bathed the place giving a glow to the swarm of grooving bodies. House lights were only turned on when live bands were performing. The one up on the stage now was a new group that Jody had never seen before. Three women wearing next to nothing prancing around to a funky tune. She shook her head thinking about the deal that was made between her and A.B..

He gets rid of one and hires three.

She wanted to roll her eyes but by the sounds of it, these girls weren't exactly terrible vocally. Even though they were just about moaning into the mic, it was still notches above their predecessor.

Usually Jody would put her purse and other personal items in A.B.s office, but those days were done for. She kept them close and went to the booth. There she would store them under the turntable and keep an eye out for any sneaks.

After the girl group was one more act and then Jody got to work. Hyping up the crowd, scratching and mixing. She could tell they were happy to have her back. Her being was electric, nothing could bring her down. Not even the guy across the club that kept making eyes at her. At least thats what she thought he was doing.

During a break from her live playing, the guy approached the booth. Tall, lean, and brunet. He was handsome in a glam rock kind of way. When he got closer, Jody remembered that shed seen him before.

"I know you." She said pointing to him.

Stopping at the bottom of the booth's stairs, he nodded. "Yah, I know you too."

He's the long haired man that stared her down that day she went to see Gemini.


"I'm -"

"Jody," he finished for her. "I know."

Tommy wore eyeliner and a fishnet tank underneath a open flannel button up. His jeans were baggy and equally grungy looking. On his feet were combat boots. He looked wild, yet there was an approachable air about him.

Jody looked around the dance floor and then to the bar.

Noticing her search, "He's not here." Tommy informed. "He couldn't make it."

Jody's brows peaked. For all of the hell Gemini was giving her about this moment, she was shocked at his absence. "What happened?"

"Not sure." The man shrugged.

She began to chuckle as her brain put the pieces together. "So he sent you to babysit me?"

Tommy had a rather small mouth, but his smile was nice. "Something like that. He wants to make sure that everything goes as planned."

"Trust issues, much. I told him I would play it."

Tommy shook his head, "Trust issues is an understatement."

Jody eyed the man as sat perched on the stairs. He swung his hair over his shoulder. The dramatic action making her snort.

"So you really gonna sit there all night?"

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