42 - The One You Wanna See

598 49 115

September 25, 1989

Staring into the dark of the room, Jody didn't know what to say.

"Hello?" Ingrid came again.

Keeping her voice hushed, "Yeah, hold on." Pushing the covers back, with the phone Jody got up and left the bedroom.

"He doesn't know that I'm calling."

Into the bathroom now, she closed the door. "Then why are you?" she asked, "And how do I know you're not bullshitting? What's your proof that you know him? And how the hell did you get this number?"

"The role of the angel in Graffiti Bridge originally belonged to you."

Ok fine, thought Jody, Roger wouldn't tell that to just anyone.

"I did a little snooping around to get your number. I sincerely apologize, I don't make a habit of prying, but you're the only one that I knew could help."

She should question further about the snooping, but the last bit made the other stuff irrelevant. "Help with what? What's wrong with him?"

"He hasn't been himself."

Rubbing her temple, leaning back against the sink. "Who has he been?" Jody knew that this response had the ability to sound like a smartass quip, but she hoped this girl wouldn't take it that way.

Instead of sounding offended, Ingrid sounded confused. "What does that mean?"

Jody dismissed. Maybe it wasn't what she thought. But just to be sure, "Did something happen?"

"On the inside, I believe. A couple of weeks ago he saw you on tv. After that he changed. He stares off a lot and he's not as happy as he usually is. It's like he's in a funk." Ingrid's soft spoken words came to a short pause. "And you're probably wondering why I called you."

Jody listened on intently, waiting for her to continue.

"He calls me his Spirit Child, but I think only his angel can truly get through to him."

Hand through her hair, Jody absently focused on the colorful paisley pattern of the shower curtain. "I'm not his angel anymore. Did he tell you that too?"

"Yes, but I can say from experience that even though a heart is broken, it never truly forgets."

A minor lift to the corner of her mouth, "You sound like him."

Ingrid's words came as though she wore a similar display. "He tells me the same thing."

Softly sighing, something of a nervous flutter in her chest. "So what am I supposed to do?"

"Room 322 at The Ritz."

Shaking her head, "I get the whole 'hearts remembering' thing, but he's not gonna wanna see me. I'm not even sure if I wanna see him."

"If you didn't, you wouldn't still be on the phone with me."

Too much like him.

"Will you come?" Ingrid inquired when Jody went silent again.

Brows knitted, "What, right now?" Glancing out of the window, all was pitch black.

"I don't know how much longer we'll be here. You know how fleeting he is."

"Yeah and I also know he doesn't like surprises. Why are you doing this?"

Jody couldn't wrap her head around all of it, a thing so out of the blue. And from a complete stranger.

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