29 - Skeleton Closet

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December 9, 1988

When things got tough, Roger usually persevered through it; pushing along the best that he could, whether by good means or bad. That's how his convoluted self got this far in life. Despite that, there were times – more of them than he'd like to admit – when he wanted to disappear. To just go away and never be seen again. Right now was one of those times.

An old friend in his arms while his girlfriend glared on at the scene. His brain was going to stall out, it was just going to quit working any minute now. He was certain of it. He was already bogged down with anxiety about the television situation with Jody and now there was this. Another memory. A ghost of his past in the flesh. Linda Anderson was the last fucking person that he wanted to see.

"Princey!" the girl squealed in his ear. Her lips left a colored mark on the side of his face. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again!"

Separating himself from her death-lock of a hug, Roger connected with familiar eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

Befuddled, "Since when?"

"Five months and two weeks to be exact."

The smile never left her face. The adoration never departing from her eyes.

"You look really good. Like really great. Did you dye your hair? It's darker than before, I like it."

Roger tried to smile with her, play it pleasant but it wasn't happening. "Thank you."

He didn't know what to say, not that he ever did, but he really didn't know now. He had to do this right though. He had to keep his head.

"Don't you like mine?"

His view instinctively switched to Jody who spoke before he could say anything.

"You didn't say that you actually knew him."

Linda tore her gaze away from Roger long enough to look at the other woman. "I said he reminded me of a boy I used to know." She replied in a way that said it should've been obvious.

"The boy that you used to love." Jody stated flatly.

Linda couldn't hide her blush.

"Well, I'm glad you found him again like you wanted." Jody said with a hint of bitter smile.

Turning back to Roger, "I heard you on the radio one day. I called and requested your song. I guess your autograph really does matter now." she giggled.

Roger didn't miss the way Jody's expression shifted, looking as if something dawned on her. "Excuse me." She said then walked away, disappearing in the crowd.

"She's a pretty girl. Do you know her well?"

His nerves were well grated now. "She's my girlfriend, Linda." he exasperated at her innocent tone.

She still sounded like the same little girl he left behind in Minneapolis nearly a decade go. Linda had always been the naïve type but Roger felt like she was putting on much more and laying it thick. Proof supporting his assumption came when her veil slipped just then and something darker passed through her eyes. For the first time she wasn't grinning.


It was the most depressed uttering of the word that Roger had ever heard and about it, he didn't give one fuck. As he moved past her, Linda took hold of his hand.

"Where are you going? I just found you."

Taking it back, "Home."

"Andre talks about you all the time."

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