The Secret Circle

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The Real Deal

Chapter 7:

The Secret Circle

We went to Shelly's house. We're lucky that her parents were very nice to let us sleep there. Kacey seems sad that her parents kicked her in their house but I knew that it can probably help her. HELP HER TO BE INDEPENDENT.

The next morning,

The sun shines so bright. The rays that reflect to our eyes reminds me of a new day. A new day of changes and revenge.

"Guys, WAKE-UP WAKE-UP!" Harvey shouted, shaking the bed.

"Wow. Sweet Sunday. Good morning guys!" Nate greeted us while he hugs his girlfriend,

"I love you." Shelly giggled. Her rosy cheeks turning red.

"Love you too." Nate replied while he kisses her to the forehead.

"Awww. Such sweetness. Be careful ants may declare an all-out war to both of you!" Harvey cackled, rolling his eyes.

We all laughed. Except Kacey who looks sad. But when she saw me staring to her, she quickly changed her emotion to a fierce one.

"Okay. Guys, you two will be a couple. So, you need to be sweet to each other. And I think Nate and Shelly is the right teachers for you." Harvey aformentioned.

Well, Kacey and I sat on chairs. Shelly brought a whiteboard to teach us how to be a couple. Crazy right? They will be our teachers for today.

"Guys, what you need to know about sweetness is that it must be natural. When you really love each other sweetness will naturally bloom." Nate explained, glancing to Shelly.

Kacey nodded.

"But because you two will just pretend to be a couple, well, you need to know three things when it comes to sweetness." Shelly discussed.

"What is it?" I questioned them.

"Hug, Kiss and Enjoy." Nate and Shelly both revealed.

"What?!" Kacey contended.

"YOU NEED THIS." Nate implied.

"Okay." Kacey quickly agreed.

"Hug- this is the most sweet of all. This really helps in looking a relationship look natural" Shelly said.

"Kiss- this is the most powerful of all. When you always kiss, on the cheeks or on the lips, people will really think that you're a real couple." Nate adressed.

"Don't forget, Enjoy- this is what makes relationships look real. Once you enjoy being together with each other, no one will ever know that you are just pretending the whole time." Shelly explained.

"Ohhh. Thanks guys! I really appreciated it!" I thanked them.

"Yeah. Thanks guys." Kacey told them, smiling.

"Our pleasure." they both replied.

"What's next?" I asked them.

"Guys, our next lessons are your new atttitudes and personality.." Nate said.

"Oh. That's simple. Take note of these guys,




BE WISER." Harvey slowly enumerated the words.

"Got it." I assured them.

"Okayy." Kacey added, rolling her eyes.

"Guys, uhmm. To be honest, you look so lame. YOU NEED A NEW LOOK!" Shelly exclaimed while touching each of our faces.

"Nate and I will take care of your looks, James, and Shelly will change Kacey's looks." Harvey concluded.

"Baby, Kacey, we'll just go to the nearest barber shop to enhance James' look." Nate mentioned to them.

"Okay, baby. take care." Shelly bid goodbye to us.

We walked to the barber shop,

"Uhmm. Sir. Make this man a handsome and at the same time, a fierce one.” Harvey emphasized while tapping my back.

I just smiled.

“Oh. Okay. Sit right here.” The barber answered politely.

The barber started to cut my hair. He is great. From cutting to the tip of my hair and from styling the waves of it, he is truly a professional one.

"So, when will you start your plan?” Harvey asked me while he reads the comic book from the barber shop.

“Well, let’s start tomorrow.” I answered while the barber continues to cut my hair.

“Are you sure you’re ready?” Nate asked me, looking at my reflection on the mirror.

“Yeah. I must. I must be ready.” I answered him as I noddes.

After some minutes of styling my hair, it’s finished.

“Wow, you look different. You look great!” Harvey said with an awe.

“Yeah! You look more handsome than Ashton! Woah!” Nate exclaimed with an open mouth.

"Thank you Mr. Barber. This really means a lot to me.” I faced him.

“Your welcome. Just call me “Mr. Scott” “ he replied.

“Okay. Mr. Scott!” I smiled.

"Next time we need a new look, we’ll come here again, Mr. Scott!” Nate added.

We bid goodbye to Mr. Scott. He is a good man. Those beard on his face didn’t even covered the smile on his lips. I don’t know but I feel that he is a very nice guy.

We went back to Shelly’s. And when we entered, they weren’t there. Maybe they left or something.

“Where are they?” Harvey asked Nate.

“I don’t know. Shelly didn’t told me where they’ll go.” Nate claimed.

Suddenly, the mom of Shelly chimed in.

“Boys, don’t worry they just went to the salon. Im sure they’ll be back in a few minutes.” She said joyfully.

We smiled. We sat on the couch. The mom of Shelly made us some juice. After some minutes, of waiting them,

"Hi guys! We're back!" Shelly broke-in alone.

Someone was on her back, hiding..


"Tadaa!" Shelly proudly revealed the new look of Kacey.

"Woah! You look..." Harvey said.

"PERFECT." I continued, not knowing the word that slipped through my mouth.

Kacey's hair is straightened. The curly one, turned into a princess-like hair. Her face has been polished. The gleam of her hazel eyes continues to capture my attention. Woah.

"You look handsome, bestfriend." Kacey asserted while looking at my head down to ny feet

Suddenly, Harvey pushed me to Kacey. We bump to each other.


"Oh. Sorry, Kacey." 

We smiled at each other.


"Im ready.." 

"Im ready to fight back." Kacey repeated.

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