The Beginning of The End

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My blue-haired companion charged forward and slashed at the man with a dark robe. The dark-robed man let his purple lightning flash as my companion attempted to hit him. Steeling myself, I concentrated my power and allowed a ball of electricity form in my palm. As I was about to strike, the dark-robed man disappeared.

"Up there!" My companion shouted. As I looked up, the man exploded with purple lighting. I shot my own lightning as I leapt out of the way.

The next thing I knew, I saw my companion get hit by a bolt of dark magic and get knocked against the wall.

Rage and fury burned within me.

My companion planted his sword in the ground and attempted to get up. I turned sharply to the dark-robed man, who was preparing another attack.

I shot my magic at the man, and the result was a massive explosion that knocked us all off our feet. The man and I locked eyes, both knowing that the battle's climax was about to come to an end.

My companion ran over to me and quickly helped me up. "Are you ok?" he asked.

I nodded firmly. "Yeah. Let's finish this!"

He and I charged at the man one final time. I shot my magic in a frenzy to throw him off guard. My companion moved too fast for him and managed to slice his already exposed chest.

The man let out a choked scream of pain and attempted to retaliate.

I would not let that happen.

I shot a Thoron spell at him, finishing him off.

As he fell to the ground, I could have sworn I heard him say something along the lines of: "Even this was meant to be..."

My companion turned to me and smiled. We have won!

"This isn't over..." I heard the man shout. "Damn you both!!!"

In his last moments, the man shot a bolt of magic straight at my companion! Out of instinct, I jumped forward and pushed him out of the way, taking the hit instead.

Pain erupted throughout my body as I fell to the ground. I felt like I was on fire, and I wanted to cry.

My companion ran over to me and helped me sit up. "You alright?" he asked. "That's the end of him... Thanks to you, we carried the day! We can rest easy, long last..."

An excruciating pain made its way through my head as he spoke; all I saw was red.

Kill... A voice inside of me was saying. Kill the exalted one and be done with it! Fulfill your destiny, fell blood! Kill him now!

My companion's look of relief turned to worry. "What's wrong? Hey, hey look-" I heard the sound of something piercing flesh, and he gasped in pain.

He backed away from me, holding a lightning bolt that has made its way through his stomach. My whole world broke.

He looked up at me, his eyes pleading. "This is not your...your fault... Promise'll escape from this place..." he choked. "Please...go..."

He collapsed to the ground limply, and an evil cackle could be heard echoing throughout the room.

"No... no... CHROM!!!!!!"


This is the very first chapter posted in the sort of rewrite? For those of you who are new readers, this chapter was not originally in the completed book. I'm going back and writing in the chapters I missed, so please excuse the sudden changes in writing style.

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