Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ashley’s POV

“OH MY GOD!!! CC, would you stop. I’m nervous enough as it is. I can see you fidgeting on the bed in the mirror. Sit still.” I love him like a brother but he’s supposed to be HELPING me. I finally got the courage up to ask her out, and then actually call her after she said yes. I don’t think I could have bared it if I actually would have heard her reject me.

“Sorry dude, I’m nervous for you. It’s not every day our little Ashley decides he might want to get serious with someone, or at least TRY to get serious with someone.”

“Don’t be an ass, CC. You know why I have problems getting serious.” I’ve been burned pretty badly. Yeah it happened a few years ago now, but it really put a bad taste in my mouth. I found out the girl I was dating, and in love with, was cheating on me, with 2 other guys. Ever since then, I could not bring myself to get into a committed relationship. I believe in Fidelity, hell, its tattooed on my fingers. “I don’t even know where this will go. I don’t even know if she really likes me. What if she knows I’m in a band, I mean she hasn’t brought it up at all, and didn’t seem to do the whole fan girl thing when she met me but still, what if all she wants is someone with the ability to give her the 15 minutes of fame. And then what? She runs off? I don’t know man, maybe I’m getting in over my head.”

“Ash don’t be stupid. If she didn’t fan girl, then you probably have nothing to worry about. And IF she didn’t like you, I highly doubt she would be meeting you at the café. What happened at starbucks was a bit embarrassing and no girl would want to see the person she nearly ran over, and fell on her butt in front of if she didn’t like them. What so special about this chic anyways?”

“I don’t know, when I saw her, and our eyes met. Something inside just, I dunno, clicked. And I cant get her out of my head.” It couldn’t be truer. “There. Done. I hope she doesn’t mind guys that wear make-up. I don’t think I had any on the day we..met”

“Looking good as always man, go get her.”

I ran out the door to my car, and headed towards the little café. Willing myself not to turn around and drive the other way. Thank heavens I’m nervous, otherwise I might have a raging, uncontrollable hard-on. It seems to happen every time I think about her. But “he” won’t get in the way of this one, not this time.

I pulled up to the café just in time to see her stepping out of the car in front of me. Holy Hell, she drives a muscle car too. First a big old F350 dually diesel, and now an older Ford Mustang. Yup, ok that’s HOT. Looking down, at the bulge in my lap, I say “Not this time, this time, you have to wait your turn.”

I practically Jump out of my car, she looks up and smiles. I nearly melt. Her smile has got to be the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen....

Christine’s POV

I saw him stand…jump maybe? Out of his car. I smile at him and he pauses, then smiles back. My heart has just skipped a beat. Holy shit this is happening.

He walks over to where I’m standing and takes my hand. He lifts it and gently to his lips and kisses the back of it. I feel warmth spread from my center, down low to the most intimate part of me, and the rush making me slightly light headed. I don’t understand how this man, who I’ve only met face to face ONCE, can do this to me.

“Hi.” That’s all I could get out at the moment, I was completely flustered.

“Hi, long time no see. I hope this café is okay. It’s not too fancy, and quiet enough so we can actually hear each other talk ."

"It's perfect."

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