Chapter 9

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Ashley’s POV

Ella and Juliet were nice enough to lend Angel and Christine some shorts and t-shirts to sleep in. The place was big enough that all of us had our own rooms. As everybody headed to bed, Christine pulled Angel aside, and I couldn’t help but over hear the conversation while I was sitting on the bed.

“Jersey, you know I won’t do anything stupid. I barely know him.”

She calls her jersey? I like it, it’s cute.

“I know you normally wouldn’t, but you’ve had a few to drink and remember you’re not actually 40, that’s just your mental age! You are only 20, and young people make mistakes. I just want you to be careful.”

“I know! Wait do I really act 40? Never mind, don’t answer that!! I hope you know that I love you, you Jersey Bitch!”

Laughing she said, “Yeah, yeah, love you too.”

Now it was my turn to have her all to myself. I’m actually going to say I’m scared. I’m going against everything my body is telling me to do, and my body is usually the one I listen to. This time I’m going to listen to my heart. I’m scared cuz I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing, and I’m scared that no matter how much I fight my body’s urges, that I will just give in.

“Hey you, penny for your thoughts?”

She completely made me jump, scaring me out of everything I was thinking about.

“All I get is a penny?” I put on my best pouty face to see what she would do. Nothing, just a look of your gunna have to do better than that. Damn, well now I know that won’t work in the future.

“Hmm, how about a penny and a kiss.”

And with that she crushed her lips to mine. I wasn’t expecting it at all, and it took me a second to register what was happening. Finally my brain started functioning properly and I kissed her back, hard. Pouring every emotion I was feeling at the moment, and from the week, into it. Pulling her down on her side, we continued to make out like a couple of teenagers. My hands roaming all over her back and hips, her hands in my hair, her nails raking across my scalp.

I couldn’t help it, I let out a deep, guttural groan. It felt so good. I’ve never had a kiss feel so passionate and intimate. She moaned in return, causing the fire I was already feeling to grow even hotter. I pulled her closer to me. My body directly up against her, and it didn’t seem close enough. At this very moment, if I could crawl under her skin, I still feel I wouldn’t be close enough.

I know I should stop, but I just can’t. I won’t let it go farther than it should but I can’t stop just yet. I roll on top of her and she wraps her legs around my waist. I stopped her kiss with a quick, gentle bite to her lip, then worked my way down her neck, right to her collar bone. And back up. She moaned and bucked her hips up pressing into me in the sweetest way. I gasped from the intensity of the pleasure that spiked through me.

“oh god, baby, do that again.” And she did, but ground into me. My cock pressing hard against my sweats, and pressing against her. I nearly passed out from the sensation. A long high pitched moan escapes me. I’m lost in everything. I can’t think straight, all I know is I can’t let this go all the way. Not yet. It’s too soon.

Christine’s POV

I ground myself into him like he asked, and I got a response that shook me to my core. His moan sounding so desperate, so full of need and want. The feeling of him pressed against me is almost too much. The pants I was given were stocking thin. I could quite literally feel every bit of him through his sweats, and it’s driving me wild.

He climbed off of me and sat back on his legs. He pulled me up onto his lap so I straddled him. The position giving better access to the friction that was so desperately needed. I took my cue and ground down onto him. He looked straight into my eyes. His eyes pleading me not to stop, then kissed me deep and hard. Using his hands on my hips to help me press down and pick up a good rhythm.

He pulled back from the kiss, both of us out of breath, my moans becoming screams, not caring that there were a bunch of people in the house that could hear me. I was nearing the edge. His bulge rubbing right against my clit. “Ash, baby, I’m getting close.”

“I am too baby! Oh god, right there, don’t stop. Please baby, don’t stop.”

He was practically begging, I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck, and kissed him to quiet us both. His arms wrap around my waist using all his might, to pull me down onto him. He shifted his hips and that was it for me, I pulled back and screamed his name. My whole body convulsing with a world shattering orgasm.

Ashely’s POV

“Ash, Baby, I’m getting close.”

She is screaming now. I never thought I could get this worked up doing what we are doing. “I am too baby! Oh god, right there, don’t stop. Please baby, don’t stop.” I’m pleading with her, practically screaming myself. I don’t care if the guys can hear me or her at this point.

She wraps her hands around the back of my neck and kisses me to quiet us both, before it gets too out of hand. I wrap my arms around her waist to pull her down harder on me with everything I had, I shifted my hips to try and feel her more and she cums, hard, pulling back from the kiss and screaming my name. That does me in. I can’t move, I just grip her tightly, shaking. My world crashing down around me from the intensity of my climax. I leaned my head back and open my mouth in a silent scream.

We hold onto each other tightly, almost as if we let go we’d fall of the face of the earth. She’s running her hands through my hair calming me. Finally we fall to the bed, absolutely exhausted, not caring to bother with cleaning ourselves up.

I held it together, passed my own test. I didn’t let it go all the way. Close, but we were still clothed, not one bit of us was exposed. Although I never thought in a million years that I could get off that way. She surprises me and makes me second guess everything I know. I hold her close to me, not wanting to let her go, and we fall into a deep, restful sleep.

Christine’s POV

My orgasm does him in, he tightens his grip around me, and starts to shake, I can feel him twitching underneath me, as he empty’s himself into his pants. He throws his head back and opens his mouth to scream but no sound comes out.

I hold him close and run my hands through his hair to help him calm, and myself. I cant believe that just happened. I could never get off doing that before. But with him, and everything he is and does sends me over the edge.

We behaved, I think at least. It didn’t go all the way, we kept our clothes on and there was no actual...touching. I hope he doesn’t regret this in the morning. I’d feel horrible for starting it.

When we finally come down from the high, I’m more tired than I have been in a long while. We collapse to the bed. He pulls me close and we both fall into a blissful undisturbed sleep.

Just an Ashley Love Story {completed)Where stories live. Discover now